I had planned on going out on wednesday. I ate, watched a bit of tv and had a shower. I had just put on a shirt and damned my hair for not being cooperative when I started feeling a bit funny. I went out on the balcony for some fresh air but that didn’t really help. I started feeling ill so I went back inside to lie down. At this point the room is spinning. I’d experienced this before. Sometimes when I have really bad colds I get these kind of symptoms. It’s extremely rare though. The last time I had it was way back when Royal still was this huge open space.
I figured that if I was lucky it would go over within an hour and I could still go out. However, I somehow managed to fall sleep and woke up at three. No use in going out anymore. Besides I still felt a bit crummy so I got up, turned off the lights and went to sleep.
I am starting to understand my brothers hatered for flies. I had a handful of them in my apartment when I woke up yesterday and they kept landing on me. Amazingly I managed to catch one of them in flight but a couple more were still there, landing on me, preventing me from sleeping.
I’m thinking about hiring my brother to kill them all. I’ll give him a new keyboard as a reward or something.
I had an apointment to get my hair cut yesterday as well. Not a day too soon either as my hair has become increasingly difficult to manage. Fia had the honours this time and did a smashing job I might say. Such a good job I’m considering moving her up to number one on my list.
I also had a date yesterday with Susse. She suspected I had gotten the flu from her ( in which case it was worth it ). We met up at two and went walking around town, had a coffee, just talking about all kinds of stuff.
These are the kind of dates I prefer as it gives you an oportunity to get to know more about the person. The movie date must be the worst date ever since you can’t really talk. You can make out in the dark though so I guess it’s not a complete waste. Come to think of it I have never been to the movies on a date. But I digress...
This date wasn’t as good as the first one...but only by a hair.
I didn’t really feel all that well. I was still suffering from the crash I had the night before and if I had any sense I probably should have stayed in bed.
Anyway, the Finnish part is still going amazingly well I think. For some reason I find this girl easy to talk to.
I found out that she likes mediterranian food...and parrots, both of which I don’t really care for. But really, does that kind of s**t matter? In the grand scheme of things, those are non-issues really when you think about it.
One issue I DO have is that she doesn’t work out. That is a big part of my life so I’d prefer that the girl I’m with would share that. However, I guess that the real issue that harks back from (that is a good expression by the way) is my concern that those who do not work out regularly will not understand that they can change the way they look...Anyway, basically what I’m trying to get at is that they will be more fucked up than those who do work out...what with self image and all. But again, I am sure there are people who don’t work out who are perfectly happy with themselves and vice versa so that could go both ways. But of course there is the risk of ballooning up later on.
One thing I haven’t figured out yet is if she is mentally stable or not. I won’t name any names or any details but it seems that a lot of the chicks I have met in the past have had some sort of mental instability way beyond what I consider normal. In all cases I have found it to be detrimental to the relationship. However, this is the kind of thing that is difficult to find out. Certainly not something you reveal on the first few dates.
The age gap is also in the back of my mind. There are two issues there; 1. will she fit in within my group of friends and vice versa and 2. when she starts her studies at university or wherever she’ll go to lots of student parties and might want to sleep around a bit. Basically, regarding the latter, I need to determine what kind of values she holds regarding relationships and such.
In conclusion, I am still evaluating her. There are no real big red flags but not any huge go-ahead signs yet either. Too early to get married and too early to dismiss it as well.
So yeah, odds are there will be a third date.