Gone Clubbing

Monday, September 11, 2006

Craw fish-party

We had a craw fish –party this weekend. It was me, martin, jens and his girlfriend, her sister and a friend of hers, marcus and his gf and ove. Ove’s chick had surprisingly *rolls eyes* double scheduled a “girls’ night” so she couldn’t come. If it would have been shorter notice I would find it easier to believe but this thing has been in the works for well over a month. Personally I think she didn’t come because she doesn’t like me and martin, or rather the double punch to the tits that we form when we get together.

The party was at jens’ gf’s summer cottage, which was in a fabulous location. I almost started to get the whole thing with having a summer cottage (to this point I haven’t really understood what the point was to go to another house out in the woods somewhere and basically live like a savage for a few days). The weather was awesome, albeit a bit cold when the sun set.

We held the thing in a sitz-format, which was very cool since I have myself thought for a long time that we should have one of those things. We even had punishments if anyone left the table without permission. I think the highlight of the punishments was when Martin held an amotional speech about the importance of education (you *really* had to be there). Ove’s toast to his car wasn’t as good though.

The food was okay I guess. I’m no fan of crawfish. I hadn’t had them before but was willing to try a couple. They didn’t taste that good. The taste was a bit like tuna but not as strong. It was aslo a hassle to get the meat out of the god damned things. It was a bit fun ripping the head off and crushing the shell but when it comes to food I like to have it readily carved to I can chomp it up fairly quickly. So basically I deemed craw fish useless as food but fun for entertainment.

We also sang songs and had schnapps. For some reason martin started feeling very ill towards the end of the evening. This was very strange indeed since he didn’t have that much to drink. Actually he drank less than a week ago. Marcus has had this theory that there is something in craw fish that doesn’t agree with you. Until Saturday I pretty much thought it was bullshit and he started puking because he had drank too much but after observing martin I started to believe that there might be something to the theory anyway. Humans are not meant to eat those sea-beatles.

Later on we played “I have never” where many shocking and revealing facts were disclosed. One of the group had had sex in one of those rubber dinghies and none of us has ever used a vibrator. After that we wen’t to sleep..except for martin and the sister who were already fast asleep.

In the morning hours I woke up and heard someone talking/whispering. It was ove and the chick in the bed next to mine. They had slept in the double bed while I occupied the single. I didn’t hear everything but what I did hear was interesting enough so I pretended to be asleep and listened in on the conversation. One particularly interesting bit was:
Ove: “ Diana had a nightmare about this party last night”
Chick: “So I guess you feel pretty shitty now huh?”
Ove: “Not really…nothing happened right?”
There was also something about “I’m *very* single” and something about “innocent flirting”.
So basically, I think SOMETHING happened but I’m not sure what. I can say this though; if I had a gf there is no way I’d sleep in the same bed as another chick even if it was completely innocent. I’d rather sleep on the floor or outside under a tree. It’s just an idea I have that if you are attached the only one you’re sleeping with is the person your with, period.
That was basically it about the party. There are pictures though.


  • At 12:43 PM, Blogger Ainu said…

    But, they haven't had empresses for a long time!

  • At 4:48 AM, Blogger Jonas said…

    Yeah, ove is a bit of an oportunist..Too bad I wasn't able to hear the entire conversation.


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