Gone Clubbing

Saturday, September 09, 2006


Late last night, after my date, I decided to go see Scandinavian Hunks at Royal Night.
I went there because I had thought about it for some time and I figured it would be fun to watch chicks going crazy over scantily clad men, which it was. It was hilarious! All the women were going completely nuts over the show while a few dudes were standing by the walls trying to look cool. Myself, I stood in the crowd laughing my ass off at the spectacle.

However, it wasn't until after the show that the really interesting shit started going down. I noticed that the vultures were gathering; five or six guys swarmed the dance floor trying to hit on the chicks there in the hopes of them being so horny that they'd go for anything.

Some chick told me that I was "as sweet as candy" and another told me that I should be in the show as well. Picking up chicks seemed like shooting fish in a barrell. However, I didn't do that because...well...didn't really feel like it.

Immediately after the show ended, half of the chicks left. By two the place was pretty empty so I decided to pack it up. I headed over to Fontana where I met a couple of people I know and partied with them until last call.

Thinking about tattooing "En Fuego" on my ass.


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