Gone Clubbing

Monday, August 28, 2006

Run off the mill weekend

Yesterday evening I decided to iron my shirts and t-shirts. I have this idea that whatever you wear it should fit (not too baggy or too small etc), be clean and wrinkle free. Anyway, I had been putting it off for some time now so I had a lot to iron. It took me about an hour and a half to get everything ironed properly.

As I was folding and hanging back my clothes I noticed that I don’t have a lot of color as far as shirts go. Striped shirts have been all the rage for a few years now so I’ve got a couple of those but the color is mostly in the stripes. I used to have a blue one I really liked but it got too worn so I chucked it. I think I want something to replace the void that shirt left. I do feel, however, that simply a shirt and jeans can be a bit boring when you go out partying so I try to spice it up a bit using accessories. I am still short a nice looking watch though. As shirts are a bit dressier than let’s say t-shirts a nice watch would go nicely with that.

However, in the t-shirt department I am doing very well. I have pink, yellow, olive green, white (with green and black print) and dark blue. In addition to that I also have a dark red and a lime/light green long sleeved one. I like t-shirts because they are cool (as in ”not warm”). When you go out partying you don’t want to be too hot (as in too warm).

I only have two sweaters so I am definately looking to upgrade there. I like to combine a shirt with a sweater for the ”preppy” look, which is very in right now but that gets very warm, especially in the clubs. It’s a great look for sitting outside in the evening, sipping the poison of choice though. It gets a bit nippy now in the evenings so a sweater is just right. I also expect the days to get a bit colder so I could wear that when out on town or whatever. I addition to that it’s also a good ”work look”. There is this brown sweater I have my eye on I will get as soon as I get paid.

I’d also need to eventually get new shoes as my beige suede ones are getting more worn by the day. I definately need some ideas in which direction to go there. I am looking for shoes that match pretty much everything (except a suit), since I am going to be wearing them a lot. I’d also like for them to be cool enough to wear when I go out clubbing.

Last night as I was going to sleep I started thinking that somewhere out there is my future girlfriend. Even though I suppose it *might* happen I doubt that I will remain single for the rest of my life, so she’s out there...somewhere. I started wondering what she was doing right then and there. Is she also awake, watching Beavis and Butthead on MTV or is she asleep? Maybe she is wondering about her future boyfriend and what he is doing. Or maybe she is banging her current boyfriend. And what strange chain of events will lead up to us meeting?

On that note, nothing really interesting went down this weekend. Just another run-off-the-mill weekend at the club.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

My shaft

So this weekend is somewhat special. It’s what is referred to as Venecian eve...or something. Usually there will be fireworks and stuff like that but this summer has been extremely dry so we’ll have to see what happens with that. Not that it bothers me that there won’t be fireworks. I don’t give a shit actually. The only down side is that the dogs won’t get frightened. I hate dogs.

Anyway, I was thinking about the Finnish word for ’fireworks’; ilotulitus. It’s a very fun word actually. ”Ilo” translates to ”joy” and ”tulitus” means ”firing”, the act of firing a weapon or something like that. So smash those two together and you get ”firing for joy”. It’s like walking around with a gun while you are hopped up on e or something.

Yesterday i hadwritten a blog about an ingrown hair on my nut sack (this is where you thank your lucky stars I don’t have a digital camera) but I accidentally erased it. I took that as a sign that no one wants to read about my scrotum. Too bad. It’s lovely. My shaft on the other hand is another matter. (Due to the content of the following paragraphs reader discretion is advised)

I once had an ingrown hair on the shaft of my schlong. I almost thought I had an std at first until I noticed what it was. I tried to dig the hair out with a needle. Unfortunately, I wasn’t successful and it got a bit infected. It looked like a small blue berry. Anyway, eventually I got the hair out and the infection cleared up. But to this day I am a bit wary of jamming needles in the schlong, trying to dig out ingrown hairs. I guess that is one of the major problems I have with shaving my unit.

I have come to the conclusion that if you’re going to shave your balls, a manual razor is the way to go. I can’t see an electric razor getting close enough to do a good job. However, as the shave is closer the risk of ingrown hairs increases.

If it seems I have a preoccupation with shaved nuts, it’s only because Kia has on numerous occasions mentioned it. She claims that there is some kind of advantage. She is also pushing for Macko to shave his nutsack but that is another story...well, actually the same story...but let’s not dwell on that. So basically I’m thinking if the chicks dig that I’m all for it.


Yesterday I noticed that there was a show about the dating jungle on tv. Unfortunately I missed all but three minutes in the end but there are reruns this weekend, hurrah!

They showed the usual ”in the next episode”-bit at the end. There was this chick who said: ”Oh, they are doing great! He bought her chocolates and he bought her . MY boyfriend hasn’t bought me jack shit! Why am I with him?”.

That’s the spirit! The only reason to get a boyfriend is so that he’ll buy you shit. True love is measured in how much he spends on you. *rolls eyes*

Retarded people annoy me.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Grass is greener

Today is a great day. The sun seems brighter, the birds seems to sing a happier tune (I think it’s ”Seventeen” by Winger) and the air seems...airier...no...fresher...that’s the word. I don’t feel down about anything really, not even that the summer will inevitably come to an end. Why is that you ask?

It looks like I may get to work here at the same place for the remainder of the year. There will be budget meetings tomorrow where my superiors will try to get their superiors to sign off some dosh for it. If everything goes according to plan I will have a job until the new year.

There was also talk about a dream scenario where funds would be reserved for a permanent position for next year. In reality it would be the job I then would have been doing for two months so I’d have a gigantic foot in that door already. The two months at the end of this year would serve as a trial period, so in case I suck at it they can get someone who knows what they are doing.
But anyway, nothing has been decided yet so let’s not get ahead of ourselves. But it does seem I have a very good shot at getting at least a two month employment (knock on wood).

I saw the little blond chick (who had the 80's "do") today. She had cut her hair. It looked really nice now. Her rating went up to...not exactly sure...as I just saw her in passing. But it seems she's making an effort to clean up after a summer of debauchery...or whatever she's done.
Yeyh! Too bad she's Finnish...but she is oh so cute.

Monday, August 21, 2006

third blog of the day

Wow..three blogs in one day..Must be some kind of record or something.
Anyway, I did ask that chick out…the one I met Saturday night..the cool one.
Turns out she has been single for only a few days. On top of that, she has been living with the guy so I am guessing it was pretty serious and long-term.

So I’m dropping it.
Not interested in being the rebound guy. Besides, she is bound to be pretty messed up. Her bf cheated on her you see.

Glad that’s over with!Next please!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Monday ramblings

I actually posted this as a comment to another blog but thought it was sooo good I had to post it as a blog myself.

********What is this obsession women have with having the relationship go somewhere? It seems like they are always pushing for “the next level”, like as if there is some magic fairy tale la-la land where everything is pink, fluffy clouds, puppydogs and ever afters.

The problem is, as I see it, that when women ask “where is this going?” it seems like a trap to a guy; a trick question designed to lure him into a trap. The only correct answer is the one she is looking for. The odds of you guessing what she is looking for are slim to none at best, so you say “I don’t know” or something to that effect, hoping that you will dodge that bullet.

However, I suspect that this question is actually womanese and means something entirely different than what it seems. I suspect that she really wants to talk about something specific, but being a woman she is incapable of asking a straight question. It could be anything from “I would like to talk about feelings more” to “how come you never pick your socks off the floor”. I am hoping to do more research into this subject.*********

Okay, so back to my random ramblings.

It must be tough being a retard.
There is this guy who works in a store in town who is a bit…how shall I put this delicatelly…he’s like Timmy…but without the wheel chair…and he can talk more... even if he does sound like he’s got a ball of wet yarn in his mouth when he does. Anyway, I’ve seen him in clubs night after night, trying to find chicks like the rest of us poor schmoes. He must have balls the size of water melons to go out night after night, sans posse’, just workin’ the floor…Hey wait a minute! That’s like me! No wonder I can’t score.


In regards to my previous post about the worst thing that can happen when you ask someone out.
I claimed that the worst thing is not getting a reply at all. Actually, getting no reply IS the reply. Anything other than “sure I’d love to” is a “no, thanks, I need to wash my toe nails”. The trick is to actually buy a clue and understand the message.


Going to iraq

Last night I was thinking about starting the whole dating thing again. In many ways it seems a bit of a daunting task. First you’ve got to find someone who’s attractive enough. I once calculated that to be 13% of women my age group. Then She has to find you good looking as well. Now assuming that the same percentage is valid for women, that means that there is only a 1% chance that we will both find each other attractive enough.

Then, you got to start asking the chick out and all. And after that you are still faced with the burden of figuring out if she is really worth your time to begin with, if you have enough in common to try and build something more around. The odds that the mere 1 percent are actually going to have stuff in common must be astronomically small. When you think about it, it’s strange that ANYONE are together, let alone get married and have kiddies and all that.

But I digress. Back to asking people out.
You know how they say “the worst thing that can happen is that she/he says no”? Well, that’s not true. At least not when you’re a dude. Getting a straight “no” as a man is actually not that bad. However, the reality of things is that you rarely (if ever) do get a “no”. Oh no. You get runarounds, excuses and semi-answers.

Once, I asked this chick out and she said “yeah, sure we can go out sometime”. Which to me, at the time, was great news. But alas, she was busy so she couldn’t go out later when I specified the date/time. Okay, no big deal, I thought. People can get busy. I wait a week and ask again. Still busy…”but we should definitely get together”. After a few weeks of that I got the hint. She could have saved me the trouble and said “no” right away.

But that’s probably not the worst still. I was actually dumb enough to ask a chick out by text message once. That’s probably the most retarded thing you can do. I’ll tell you how it works.
You sit there and try to come up with a witty way of asking her out, or at the very least so you’ll seem the least moronic. You press “send”. Then you put your phone down and say to yourself that you’re gong to go about your business. Forget it. You won’t. You’ll be checking the phone with five minute intervals.

After an hour you start wondering why there is no reply. After two hours you will have worked out a reason as to why; she is obviously doing something important. After three hours you will have worked out a schedule as to exactly when she should have read the message and have time to reply. But low and behold, there is no reply.

It gets late, you get ready to go to bed. Still no reply. You figure that she probably came home late and doesn’t have the energy to reply, her battery is dead, she hasn’t checked her phone OR maybe she didn’t even get the message in the first place.

Now *that* is the worst thing; not getting a reply at all…and if you do it’ll be one of those three week runaround deals. Compared to that, a simple “no” is a cake walk ( I wonder why they call it a cake walk…it’s not like it’s easy walking around holding a cake).

Just thinking about all this makes me sick of it even before I’ve started.
Going to bars and picking up ONS’s seems so much easier by comparison.
And that is something I’m about to volunteer for? Seems almost like signing up to go to Iraq.

Yep...I'm done

Best saturday night in a long time.
Started off by going down to the park behind the university. There I sat under a birch tree with a curvy blond, stroking her G-string. Together we made sweet music. Very relaxing.

Then I headed over to Fontana. While there I met no fewer than four hot chicks who I talked to. One of them was especially interesting. She rollerblades for gods sake! AND she said that there are "some cool games for the x-box360. HELLO! A chick who plays tv-games! AND she was hot!

After coming home I started thinking that this is what I should be doing; actually having conversations with chicks. I'm done with banging skank-ho's. It's just not what it used to be.
Then I had another thought; aah fuck! Now I'm going to get all worked up over that chick and then most likely get fucked up because it doesn't work out or something. Besides, competition will be fierce since she's white hot. But then I thought; what the fuck "fortune favours the brave" so I'm thinkin' I'm going to see if this chick really IS interesting.

Beginning my second year as single now.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

damn shame

Last night I had a dream that I was going to jail for being a pedophile. Actually, what happened was that I knew this guy that was one so I had put a tracker on him by using the internet (you can do that you know). I had then gone to his hideout, which was a bathroom in an abandoned factory building. I got in, sat in the stall next to his and called the police. Unfortunately, when they got there they used a gigantic blow-machine and huffed and puffed and blew down the walls of everything, my stall included, so naturally they thought I was a pedophile too.

Strangely enough I was remarkibly calm about going to jail. I wasn’t at all afraid of getting to be the wife of some guy named Bubba. Maybe it was because I knew I was innocent. I wonder if the dream means anything...


Is plad coming back into style?
I’ve recently noticed that stores are stocking up on plad shirts. I’ve also seen a couple of chicks sporting the plad shirt with denim skirt-look. It’s not, however, the plad flannel that was popular during the early to mid 90’s but rather a thinner, cotton shirt. I’ve contemplated getting one but I think plad is a bit ”drunken barn dance”. I’ll have to look through some mags to see if I can see any ways of making it look cool.


It’s now (almost) a year since I became single. Actually, it’s on thursday. I’m thinking about going out tonight and celebrate this glorious day. Also, I’m becoming bored of sitting at home every night, doing the same thing; eating, sleeping, gym, eating, watching tv, going to bed. I want some variation, even if it’s only the variation of getting two hours of sleep and being dead tired at work.


I am currently on the fence about finding a girlfriend. I am basically back to ”if some awesome chick falls into my lap then sure”, but I really don’t feel like going out looking for one, which is basically a prerequisite to finding one in the first place.


Lately I have started wondering if women really know so much about female behaviour as they would like us men to believe. The incident I cannot get out of my mind is one at Åland this summer, when a chick with big ...ummm..eyes came over and talked to us while we were sitting on the lawn outside Rockoff. The women of our group claimed that the chick was interested in Martin but later on she said she had a boyfriend and refused to give martin a kiss because of it (as thanks for the drink and smokes she’d got).

In my experience, chicks who have boyfriends and are looking for a little action will NOT mention any boyfriends and they will certainly have no problem with giving some guy a kiss.

The second incident.
We were at Fontana a few weeks ago. I was standing at the bar getting a drink when I notice Kia dragging Martin over to a cute blond and her friend. They exchanged a few words and then went their seperate ways.
Supposedly, Kia had gone over there and told the blond chick that Martin thought she was cute.
I may not be the best at picking up chicks but that has got to be one of the most lame-ass attempts at picking someone up ever.


Remember the blond chick I went gah-gah over in the spring sometime? Back then she was a 10 in my book, or at the very least a strong 9.5. I saw her again last weekend, after not seeing her all summer. It seems that she’s gained quiet a bit of weight and she has this weird huge hairdo like something from an 80’s Poison video. She used to be a ten but since she’s stuffed her face with burgers she has now dropped to an 8+.
Extremely unfortunate.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Summer is over

I’ve found a new evening activity. Last night when I got back to town I thought I’d go out on the balcony a bit and watch the sunset. However, you can’t really see the sunset from my balcony because there is a big building in the way. So then I thought I’d go sit in the park behind the university. But my brain told me it would be boring just sitting there so I brought some friends along; my Yamaha acoustic guitar and a can of non alcoholic cider I had bought a while ago.

So I grabbed my guitar, walked to the park, sat down under a birch tree and played some Bon Jovi songs while the sun set. It was very nice to just relax, sit there and say good-fuckin’-bye to summer ’cause frankly I think this is it for this time around.

It’s kind of sad in a way. No more short skirts, not that there were many. No more sex outdoors, not that there was any. No more coming out from the club in the morning hours and not having to put a coat on because it’s so warm, there were quite a few of those. But I am also looking forward to the autumn time. It is the time when this bus stop town comes alive, bustling with life as all the students return. One good thingis traded in for another. Pretty soon there’ll be initiations for new students, lots of parties to go to and above all; hot chicks.
While sitting there on the grass I started thinking that summer is truly an exceptional time. For a few short months (at best) it is warm, you enjoy the weather and take it easy. What is norm here is cold, wind, rain, snow and ice. One shouldn’t see winter as a bad time, but rather a return to the normal. Anyway, there are plenty of good things about winter too. Like....ummm...hang on...oh wait!..no that was summer...umm...

Sunday, August 13, 2006

I'm done...

...at least I think I'm done.
Over the past couple of weeks I've started thinking that perhaps if the right girl came along I could consider giving up the single life. Early this morning, as I was heading home from yet another night at the club I got the feeling of "I'm done with single life". After a few hours of consideration and a healthy yank at the old knob, I started thinking that I probably shouldn't make any hasty decisions just yet.

All the students are coming back into town soon and there will be plenty of parties to attend. I probably want to be single for those. Autumn is a great time of the year really.

Also, I think I'm moving into dangerous waters as well. I would like to think I have learned a few things from previous relationships and what to look for so what I need to do is stay focused and don't lose sight of what it is I am looking for in a potential girlfriend. Translation: must not be blinded by the boobies.


Once again I am annoyed at chicks with boyfriends. I had some awesome eye contact going with this one hot blond with the ost amazing smile goin'. I noticed she was looking around a bit every now and then. Then this tall, bald dude (apparently bald is the way to go...no wonder I have no luck with the ladies) comes up to her and it becomes clear that they have some kind of relationship. That shit is fucked up. So far I've met...something like 7 women who've had boyfriends over the past 12 months. Which reminds me...

It's almost a year ago since I became single. Cheers.


I talked to this chick from malax last night. it was one of those I met this spring. Apparently, one of them (the skinnier one that Martin danced with once...no, not the one you made out with..the other one...) said that she doesn't hang with the other one any more since she has become brain washed with all that Move nonsense. She tried to get me involved in that shit a while ago if you remember.

Anyway, the move-chick (dough brain) is now hanging with "quality people" instead of us idiots who can't understand that buying crap from a company who are facing criminal charges is a swell idea.


Another old chick was eyeing me again last night. I could probably have scored there but I wasn't really interested. Besides, at that point I was still trying to figure out the bitch with the boyfriend.

Friday, August 11, 2006

The strangest of nights

So yesterday was the night of the arts.
Me and martin decided to go to Fontana early because there was no entry fee before 12. We arrived at a pretty empty place but there were quite a few there we knew. A bunch of people from the Swedish business school was there partying it up.

After a while a fight broke out in the old part. Some big dude punched a thinner dude so he fell down the staircase and hit the floor pretty hard. everyone's attention was pointed to the situation. The guy who had gotten punched in the face didn't get up. He just laid there and started shaking violently. It was obvious he was having some kind of seizure. Three door men came and held him down so he wouldn't hurt himself.

Then the clock struck twelve and the Hanken people decided to take the party on the road so they invited everyone to their basement for free drinks. Everyone would get three free drinks they said. But for it to succeed we all had to line up outside the club so they could count us. When we did that a gorgeous brunette latched onto me and said: "I'm coming with you". I was like "sure, whatever you want".

But then me and martin decided we needed to go to the bathroom so we went back inside. As we were standing by the urinals doing our business we both notice a dude sort of shaking and making weird grunts. Okay, I figured he was drunk and didn't pay any more attention to him but later when he lets out this loud moan I realise what he is doing; he was whacking it right there.

Then he turns around, dick still in hand and says; "man that felt good. With all those hotties out there you just have to release some pressure every now and then". Then he lets out a few more squirts that almost hits martin, who says :"hey watch out with that thing dude".
I say: "Yeah, you could have hit us with your load man". The dude stares a bit and says: "hmm..you mean like this?" and starts whacking it violently again and starts squiting all over the place.

Me and martin both try to take cover but the guy has some serious moves on and shoots several meters at a time so we have our work cut out not to get jizz on us. Suddenly the barrage of spunk halts. His friends have stopped him. So i go up to the guy and say: "hey dude, I'm a regular here so I could get you thrown out for that". His friends seem a bit shaken by the statement. They assume I must be an officer in the Finnish army and a gold VIP to the club. I admit to not being a gold VIP though. They all exit the bathroom.

Me and martin stay behind though 'cause I noticed Paris Hilton standing in a corner. She is way shorter than I had thought. Turns out she is 1,40 but is really nice. I put her over my shoulder and walk out.

Oh yeah, that didn't really happen...It was a dream I had last night. Nothing really interesting happened at the bar so I thought I'd write that instead.

Sunday, August 06, 2006


And yet once again the weekend is over and another week of utter dispear is ahead of us until we can once again bask in the glory of two days of complete debauchery. It has been a good one I must say.

I had worked out every day of the week so I could take friday afternoon off and go to the beach to catch some of the last rays of the summer. Unfortunately it got cloudy but at least it wasn’t so damned hot. I don’t know why I mentioned that since nothing really happened. Oh well…if not anything else I wasted a good five seconds of your life.

Saturday then.
I woke up at around nine from hearing the cat outside, wanting to get in. So I let her in and went back to sleep. Then I heard another weird noise coming from the kitchen. I wondered what the hell was up since the cat was lying on the floor next to my bed. Turns out it was my brother who had gotten up at the ungodly hour of 11 o’clock. By that time it was too hot to sleep so I had to get up myself. After a while our parents came home from their trip.

I decided that I’d go to the beach since it was shit hot. I phoned Martin and asked if he wanted to join me, which he also did, after getting up and eating breakfast. We were there by…two? I think it was around two. Anyway, the beach was quite full, which was surprising since there hasn’t been a lot of people there the last few days. Then again it was one of the hottest days of the summer. However, after a while you could notice that a lt started going home. So did we after two and a half hours of tanning.

I went and bought some food, went home and ate and decided that I was best off staying in town and waiting for the evening as we had planned on going to Strampen for a few cold ones. So I went to bed and had a bit of a rest. At 8:30 I get a message from Marcus saying that we should get our asses over there because there are chicks there, especially a blond at the table next to them who was apparently ”waiting for me”, which is code for ”have no clue whatsoever who I am but marcus and kia would find it fun if I went over there and talked to her since they pionted her out”. Martin had gotten the same message. So we hauled ass and a mere two hours later we arrived. At that point we both had basically slept all day. Very rewarding.

We sat there and talked smack for a few hours and later moved on towards the night club scene. Outside of fontana we contemplated going to Giggling Marlin but since Martin doesn’t speak a word of Finnish we figured our best bet was Fontana as there are a bit more Swedish speakers there. Plus, it seems that their popularity has been increasing after the renovation so it was a good bet that there would be lots of people there.

Nothing really groundbreaking happened, the usual stuff actually; danced, drank and were all marry. I saw at least two chicks I could have boned but because of my picky nature I decided to let it go. At three thirty me and martin went home alone…but not after stopping and getting a burger for martin.

On sunday we had planned to go to Storsand so we did. We had planned on going at 12 and started at 1:30. Kias sister and her boyfriend also joined us…which is why it took so long for them to get their asses in gear I think. Anyway, fun at the beach, played volleyball, went in the ocean, froze my toes off… It was cold as fuck in the water. I’ve never been there before when it has been that cold. It wouldn’t have been so bad but the water near the bottom was freezing. Maybe I’m a pussy but I couldn’t stand it for very many minutes so I got up.

After getting home I watched formula one, which I had taped. Good thing too because it was the best race of the season so far. I tink I will leave it at.
Back to town, watched tv and went to sleep and here I am. On thursday there is the Night of the Arts so there will be party once more..hurraah.

Friday, August 04, 2006

I've figured it out

This past week the town has been crawling with hot chicks in short skirts, tight tops and whatnot. It's fuckin' fabulous! I started wondering why I haven't seen any chicks with short skirts until now. I've come up with this explanation;

People living in Vasa take a long time to warm up. In june and july they are still not used to the warm weather so they put on normal clothes. Later as summer draws to an end they are getting used to it and start thinking that maybe they will wear something lighter.

They start thinking; "shit summer is over, must wear small clothes before winter arrives"

They feel too self conscieus in june-july so they don't dare putting on the small outfits and tight...thingamajigs. In august they might even have lost a bit of weight so they are more comfortable about it.

Either way, I'm enjoying it. Next week it looks like it's going to rain so the summer will be pretty much over.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Things I hate

I hate getting up in the mornings. Anything before 11 is too early for me. I am not and have never been, a morning person. Sometimes I get up early anyway but it is not something that comes easily. Do people actually get up at 7 AM every morning to go to work for the rest of their lives? That to me sounds insane. I suppose that’s what scares me the most about growing up and becoming a responsible adult; having to get up early every god damn day. Oh well, there is always the weekends I suppose.

There are two songs I hate right now; that song by Nick Lachey where he whimpers on about how Jessica left him and ”you can have the rest of me”, and Rihanna’s sappy single called Unfaithful.
I hate the first one because I see it as some guy whining about his bitch leaving and at the same time asking his fans if anyone still wants him.

I can see it now; some 14 year old fat chick who’s got a crush on him sits in her bedroom listening to the song and yells out: ”I’ll take the rest of you! Jessica is a dumb bitch who never deserved you”. It’s a whimpy song from a guy who needs to grow some balls and deal with shit the manly way; by getting wasted and banging the first hot chick that lands in his lap.

I hate Rihanna’s song becuase she sings about banging some other dude on the side and how she hates it and doesn’t want to do it anymore and how she doesn’t want to be a ”murderer”. It’s all bullshit! If she didn’t want his cock in her she should just end it…period. None of this whining.
Still, she’s easy on the eye that chick. If it were me she was romping I wouldn’t mind the song so much.

I guess what bothers me about both of those songs is that I hear a lot of bitching and whining about how sad and pathetic their situation is but I don’t see any action or attempt at improving it. If you can’t be bothered to actually do something about your situation then it obviously isn’t all that bad so shut the fuck up.

In other news.
I have bought a birthday prezzy for my brother. I’m not sure if I’m going home on wednesday next week so he (that’s YOU…yeah, YOU *points at jacke*) needs only to decide if he wants to get it a few days early or a few days late.

I bought two dvd’s this week; a war movie about the first world war, seemed really interesting and I haven’t seen a lot of movies about ww1, and the first season of Little Britain. They were both on sale so I got them for a total of 14 Euros. I’m especially looking forward to watching a couple of Little Britain episodes this weekend. After I’m done I suppose I could lend it to someone who wants to watch a movie or something…*hint, hint*, *nudge, nudge* (slaps sister in the forehead…that’s YOU…and mr Kimono). If you want you can borrow the ww1 movie too.

I saw this hot chick yesterday when I was tanning at Sandö. Actually, it’s not so much tanning anymore as it is maintenance of the existing tan. Seems like the majority of people feel that they now have a good enough tan since there is significantly less people there now than it has been previously during the summer. Anyway, back to the chick…

She was a bit too thin for my tastes (too small boobs), but she was fit, blond and had legs that went up to here *gestures with hand*. I’m not a leg man but this chick was smokin’ hot, especially when she left and put on her jeans. And later on, she came to the gym too! *Drool*

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Up shit creek

I read today that singles consume more resources than people living in relationships. Well duh! Singles don't shower together so they use more water per person. They also use more electricity since two people are using the same light from the lamps etc. It's not really rocket science is it.

I've been single now for almost a whole year and I've noticed a slight change in my attitude towards singledom. Before I really didn't want a relationship no matter what. Currently I'm at a stage where I wouldn't mind a relationship IF the chick was damn near perfect. However, I do believe that a fuckbuddy would suit me better at this point as I don't really feel like investing a whole lot of time and energy in something like that...now there is a voice in the back of my mind saying: "unless...she is really really great". Go away stupid voice!

A lot of people say that bars and clubs are not a good place to find a girl-or boyfriend. I though tabout that as I was walking home yesterday and concluded that if the statement is true it pretty much means me and martin are up shit creek without a paddle.

A lot of people find their partners in school and/or at work. Me and martin don't exactly work in suitable environments to do that. I'm not into 50-year old wrinkly old bags and martin is as far as I know, not into making it with furry animals...beavers being the only exception.... Get it
? Beavers...

Then we have the oh-so-fabulous private parties so many people seem to swear by. Our circle of friends have had a few and they've all been raging successes...NOT! Let's tally up the score shall we? The last party we had was a midsummer thing. Three couples and me and martin. Before that there was a new years eve party. Me and martin played pictionary with ove and his chick. Before that there was a Christmas party. No one showed up even after we'd invited 25+ people.
I could go on but you get the idea. Basically our group of friends do not know a lot of single chicks.

So basically our options are pretty limited.
But when you think about it, normal people must go to bars as well. I'm sure some of them do.
I want to tell you about a theory I have.
I think I look okay. I am not gorgeous or anything since women don't fall over themselves to talk to me but I like to think I'm average+. Chicks don't really notice average guys at first glance so the goal must be to make them take a second look and maybe they'll see something interesting.
So basically what you need to do is stand out a little...but not so much that it becomes freaky or weird. It's a fine line indeed.

I saw two Russian chicks in Citymarket yesterday. They were looking at toothpaste and giggling. Later on I met Kia by the cash register and she said that she had seen them looking at condoms earlier. Great news for me. That means there are two horny Russian babes in town. And Russian chicks like me...I think. I'm guessing they are exchange students who have come early. Must find out where they are studying, show up at some party and have a threesome.