Gone Clubbing

Monday, August 14, 2006

Summer is over

I’ve found a new evening activity. Last night when I got back to town I thought I’d go out on the balcony a bit and watch the sunset. However, you can’t really see the sunset from my balcony because there is a big building in the way. So then I thought I’d go sit in the park behind the university. But my brain told me it would be boring just sitting there so I brought some friends along; my Yamaha acoustic guitar and a can of non alcoholic cider I had bought a while ago.

So I grabbed my guitar, walked to the park, sat down under a birch tree and played some Bon Jovi songs while the sun set. It was very nice to just relax, sit there and say good-fuckin’-bye to summer ’cause frankly I think this is it for this time around.

It’s kind of sad in a way. No more short skirts, not that there were many. No more sex outdoors, not that there was any. No more coming out from the club in the morning hours and not having to put a coat on because it’s so warm, there were quite a few of those. But I am also looking forward to the autumn time. It is the time when this bus stop town comes alive, bustling with life as all the students return. One good thingis traded in for another. Pretty soon there’ll be initiations for new students, lots of parties to go to and above all; hot chicks.
While sitting there on the grass I started thinking that summer is truly an exceptional time. For a few short months (at best) it is warm, you enjoy the weather and take it easy. What is norm here is cold, wind, rain, snow and ice. One shouldn’t see winter as a bad time, but rather a return to the normal. Anyway, there are plenty of good things about winter too. Like....ummm...hang on...oh wait!..no that was summer...umm...


  • At 6:46 AM, Blogger Jonas said…

    Apparently this summer is a stubborn little mofo that doesn't seem to want to go away.


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