Gone Clubbing

Sunday, August 13, 2006

I'm done...

...at least I think I'm done.
Over the past couple of weeks I've started thinking that perhaps if the right girl came along I could consider giving up the single life. Early this morning, as I was heading home from yet another night at the club I got the feeling of "I'm done with single life". After a few hours of consideration and a healthy yank at the old knob, I started thinking that I probably shouldn't make any hasty decisions just yet.

All the students are coming back into town soon and there will be plenty of parties to attend. I probably want to be single for those. Autumn is a great time of the year really.

Also, I think I'm moving into dangerous waters as well. I would like to think I have learned a few things from previous relationships and what to look for so what I need to do is stay focused and don't lose sight of what it is I am looking for in a potential girlfriend. Translation: must not be blinded by the boobies.


Once again I am annoyed at chicks with boyfriends. I had some awesome eye contact going with this one hot blond with the ost amazing smile goin'. I noticed she was looking around a bit every now and then. Then this tall, bald dude (apparently bald is the way to go...no wonder I have no luck with the ladies) comes up to her and it becomes clear that they have some kind of relationship. That shit is fucked up. So far I've met...something like 7 women who've had boyfriends over the past 12 months. Which reminds me...

It's almost a year ago since I became single. Cheers.


I talked to this chick from malax last night. it was one of those I met this spring. Apparently, one of them (the skinnier one that Martin danced with once...no, not the one you made out with..the other one...) said that she doesn't hang with the other one any more since she has become brain washed with all that Move nonsense. She tried to get me involved in that shit a while ago if you remember.

Anyway, the move-chick (dough brain) is now hanging with "quality people" instead of us idiots who can't understand that buying crap from a company who are facing criminal charges is a swell idea.


Another old chick was eyeing me again last night. I could probably have scored there but I wasn't really interested. Besides, at that point I was still trying to figure out the bitch with the boyfriend.


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