Gone Clubbing

Friday, July 14, 2006

Suicide bomber

A few days ago I was watching a documentary about suicide bombers and what makes them tick. It was quite interesting. It seems that the vast majority of suicide bombers (henceforth referred to as SB's) exist closely with their comrades. The group of friends they are with form a very tight bond and in many ways the group becomes their new family. Within the group they feel like they can do whatever they set their minds to. I think it's basically the same way the army works.

Anyway, so what has that got to do with me?
Well, I started thinking, out of my group of friends I think that I would probably be the most likely candidate for a SB. Either me or martin as we are pretty tight. But then again I think we are both too much of a pussy to blow ourselves to smithereens. Besides, I am pretty sure martin feels the need to bang (pun intended) more women before doing that.

Ove would probably be the second least likely to be a SB. He's way too cheap for that. If he was to blow himself up he'd probably get some cheap ass explosives and only manage to bruise his crotch or something. Jens and macko are way too level headed. However, now that I think about it, ove was the one most gung ho about the army so maybe if someone else paid for the bomb....

Anyway, I figure that my brother is overall the LEAST likely to be a SB. No, that is not his style. Way too messy. I peg him more as a unabomber. He's way too smart to blow himself up though. Then again he'd probably not be bothered to build bombs anyway. Too much work. *Maybe* if the instructions were in Japanese...

So umm...if the FBI are reading this; I'm not really being serious here dude. No one is going to blow anything up...we're too busy having sex with hot chicks.


  • At 4:31 AM, Blogger Jacke said…

    "No one is going to blow anything up...we're too busy having sex with hot chicks."

    Except for me. I'm building bombs :p


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