Gone Clubbing

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

"I want to play a game"

I’m not a big fan of horror movies. It probably harks back to when I was a kid and we watched Dracula. I only remember that I got scared shitless and couldn’t sleep for a week. Or it could be because of that Christmas calender show where this one story was about a monster in a frozen lake or something. Or it could be because of that Poseidon’s adventures show that had that big scary oak door in the beginning. What can I say, I’m a pussy when it comes to those things.

However, I had heard so much about the Saw movies I just had to watch them. At first I thought I’d relive my childhood and piss in my pants from fear or something...but I didn’t. In fact, I wouldn’t even classify Saw or Saw2 as horror movies. Yeah, sure there are elements that are gross, disturbing and outright insane but for some reason they are not really that scary. I’d be more inclined to call it a psychological thriller or something...maybe a pathological thriller.

I am no fan of horror and scary shit but I am a fan of intelligence and even somewhat a fan of manipulation to get the desired results. (WARNING – I tried to write the next section without spolers but there MAY be a few things in there that could be regarded as such. If you are planning on watching them I will just say-get both)

The murderer (he isn’t really a murderer since he never kills anyone but rather forces them to make a choice that often results in some kind of bloodshed) in the movies is extremely intelligent and a master of manipulation. What fascinates me is the planning that would have to go into making the kind of situations presented work and the vast amount of knowledge of not only a technical nature but also about human nature and psychology required.

Both Saw movies follow a similar pattern and if you pay enough attention you will be able to figure out what will go down. In both of the movies the finale rolls up at breakneck speed. It is as if you would open up a jigsaw puzzle box, turn it upside down and all the pieces would fall into place. Within a few seconds it all becomes so clear.

I wouldn’t say I could predict the ending of either one, even though the first movie was a bit more overt and a bit too obvious. The ending of the second one though was in my opinion absolutely brilliant. There is a single sentence hidden at one point in a line someone says that is the key to the whole thing and I bet my left nut that no one will ”hear” it. Then of course there is somewhat of a twist as well.

If you are planning on renting one I suggest you make a night of it and get both because the first one will leave you wanting more.

I wonder if my brother could figure out the clues in the movies...he’s quite smart so if anyone could do it it would be him...then again I’m not sure it’s his cup of tea.

I also started thinking that even if you think the murderer in the movies is crazy he is only a character. The people actually sitting down and writing this stuff must be severly fucked up or something to be able to work this out.

Finally a bit of a prediction.I predict that there will be a Saw 3 within a year or two because both of the movies are very open ended. I also predict that the third one will be absolute shait ’cause I can’t see them topping the second one.


  • At 10:52 PM, Blogger Jonas said…

    Just found out yesterday that Saw 3 is currently in post production... Jeepers creepers..I think I've seen the movie...you know..the actual movie...in a store...not..you know..SEEN the movie...

  • At 10:36 PM, Blogger Jonas said…

    Yeah, you'd have to do it when it's "at attention" otherwise there wouldn't be a point to it.

    Maybe macko could do it. I have the impression that his weiner is small :p


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