Gone Clubbing

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Ants in my pants

I've just spent an hour and a half tanning out on the lawn. I absolutely hate tanning. It is hot, you get sweaty and there is nothing to do but to stare at the inside of your eyelids. If you are lucky there won't be any insects trying to suck you dry of blood but later during the summer this becomes a real problem, which I why I prefer tanning in town on my balcony or at the beach.
Anyway when I was done I was going to put my pants on again (I wasn't naked..I had shorts on) and noticed that there were hundreds of little black ants all over my pants. Apparently we have a lot of ants in our lawn.


I've had a dream with a reoccurring theme lately.
I want to do something and someone sets it up so I will be able to and then they demand sexual favours from me. Last night I dreamt I was in one of those Next top Model reality shows and some gay guy said he made sure I moved on to the next round. He then wanted me to lie next to him under a blanket and cuddle. I refused and thought he was weird. He got upset.


It will be interesting to see what happens at midsummer next week. We have sort of planned we'd spend it at my mate Ove's girlfriend's summer cottage but nothing is decided definately so I suspect me and martin will have to go to Fontana and try to pick up the two chicks there.

Even if we do go it isn't a totally attractive alternative for me and martin. There are three couples and martin and me so we'll be the odd ones out there...and even though martin is a very good friend I refuse to make out with him...sorry bro.

Plus the plan was that we were going to go there on thursday but I really want to work out on thursday...and friday too...but I guess I could switch that around to saturday and sunday if I'm in a pinch. I still have two weeks left of the current cykle and haven't missed a wokout yet. I'll be damned if I have to miss a workout just to watch three couples be all cuddly-wuddly-boo-boo.


Tonight I am going out to the bars again. I'm hoping that there will be a decent amount of people out but I am skeptical since there is a festival going on in...Seinäjoki...or wherever.


  • At 1:30 AM, Blogger Ainu said…

    You are gonna be a wrinkly old man.

  • At 7:18 AM, Blogger Jonas said…

    Well we'll all be wrinkly eventually no matter what we do...unless... shoot up with botox...that should do the trick...I wonder if it would work on my ass when I'm 89...


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