Gone Clubbing

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Trip news

Well, last weekend we started discussing going to Åland yet again this summer. So I thought it would be a good idea to get the gang together and discuss the thing so we could sort out the details like "who, when and where" etc. I tried to get the crew together on Wednesday night but Ove said he was busy so no go.

Then yesterday I get a Call from MAcko who said they are sanding a boat nearby so we can discuss the trip then. Right-O. I go over, Ove hasn't arrived yet but he should be there soon since they called him two hours ago and he said he would just eat and come afterwards. We sit around for two hours and then finally he and his girlfriend arrives. They must have had plenty of food to eat.

Anyway, we start off by thinking about going on midsummer as usual. Ove isn't really fond of that idea since he thought we have gone there for so many years now etc. Jens throws out the idea that maybe we could go when the rock festival Rockoff is being held. Then we could do something else on midsummer. We could go to someone's cottage and celebrate, have some brews, burn a few hotdogs over the campfire etc. The only thing is; we don't really know anyone with a cottage...except Ove's girl whose family has one they never use apparently.

That seems okay but there are a few complications on my part since it is just AFTER my vacation. Still, I doubt that would be a problem. Jens' woman is a bit of a question mark in the equation but Jens says she can probably be pursuaded. Then there is Ove's woman.

She will not get a vacation until August and from what I gather it would be extremely difficult to get off work until then. She is also "not sure if anyone is going to be there " during midsummer. So we can't go there.

So what did we end up with? Nothing.
Well, Kia said they have a cottage that has not been used for years but that is off in the woods somewhere. That is our likely midsummer.

Åland seems uncertain and if we go before August Ove and his woman will not be joining us.
So...yeah...we'll see how it goes.


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