Gone Clubbing

Monday, May 08, 2006

And so begins the Jonartin-Era

Me and Martin went out on saturday. We started the evening in a half-empty Brändö apartment. A faint echo could be heard when we spoke because there were no furniture or curtains to catch the sound waves. One of our friends had cleaned house and taken everything that wasn’t nailed down with him to his new apartment. Actually he also took the vacuum cleaner, brooms, rags and other cleaning utilities with him so it will be somewhat difficult to actually clean house later on.

We went to Royal Night as usual. We got there relatively early, at around 11:45. It appears that the bars and clubs are now under ”summer time”, during which the patrons show up late. It didn’t become crowded until after 1 AM.

However, when it was crowded it became very hot. Lots of people bumping around on the dance floor, lots of them drunk guys. It would seem like there are a few that only derive pleasure from walking around on the dance floor, making people get out of their way as the do. I hate those people.

I also saw my ex C there. She met up with two of her friends. She seemed pissed about something, which isn’t very surprising as she is often pissed about *something* . I figured out that it was her birthday. I suspect that she had planned some sort of party but very few actually showed up so she was PO’d about that.

Later during the night I saw her and her friends dancing with some guys. I wanted to mention it since she has said in the past that I don’t hit on attractive enough girls. Well, those dudes weren’t exactly Ashton Kutcher either so she is one to talk.

It was a slow night chick-wise for both me and martin. The two 18-year olds that have been hanging around showed up but I really don’t want to get involved with an 18year old, especially one that can’t dance or make out.

Later on as we were heading home we wondered if we have lost our mojo. We also contemplated a switch for next weekend and head to Fontana instead. My fear is that the place will be dead as the trend seems to head that way this summer. But we can always go to Royal later on if there is no action.
i think the thing we can do mojo-wise is to not care about it. If we start to give a s**t, chicks will pick up on it and we will look all the more desperate so the solution is to really not give a flying f**k. Party on


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