Gone Clubbing

Monday, April 10, 2006

I'd make a great "player"

* Disclaimer*
* In this text the term "player" refers to a person who lies and gives false expectations to women to get them into bed, only to drop them like a rotten potatoe when they are done. Some people (myself included) may find this definition incorrect or skewed. The term is used in this context only for the sake of simplifying the writing process*

I have come to the conclusion that I'd make a great player.
I may not be the best at picking up women but once I get my foot in the door I like to think I'm pretty good at figuring out what makes the individual person tick and what they want at that particular time in their "relationship life".

A few weeks ago I met this chick and started talking to her. After a while it was obvious she was interested in me. However, I am not really in a place where I want a relationship so I told her this. I could easily (more easily than telling her the truth) have led her to believe that I was interested in a long term thing. I could easily have fed her a bunch of bulls**t, put on the charm and probably gotten her into bed within two or three weeks. But I didn't.

This weekend I met a chick who claimed that she time and time again had been disappointed by men and thus had no faith in any man she met. I took that as a compliment...seriously though...
It would have been so very easy again to lay it on thick and pretend to be a good guy only to srew her over.

The "problem" is that I actually have a conscience. I would feel horrible if I did something like that. Plus, it is also quite liberating to play with "all cards on the table". If someone still hangs around when I have been clear that I am not looking for anything serious it is their responsibility.

If it weren't for me actually being a nice guy I'd be great at it though.


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