Gone Clubbing

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Strange dreams

Tonight I had really strange and somewhat disturbing dreams and as a result I woke up late...very late, I had 20 minutes to eat, fix my hair and wash my face and get to work. If I walk it takes about twenty minutes to get to work. If I take the car it takes about ten minutes (it would be half that if I didn’t have to park so far away). So naturally I had to skip something in my daily routine. I chose not to eat but to bring a piece of bread with me to work instead. But anyway, back to my dreams.

I originally woke up at 7 but decided to snooze a bit and that is when the shit hit the fan in dream world. I had dreams about me fighting some sort of female bat-demon in a paralell dimension, dressed as Batman of course. I later tamed the demon and there was some pretty graphic, x-rated stuff there...with a black dude involved...he filmed the thing.

One dream was about my cousin who was going on a hike through the Himalayas and another dream was about our annual summer trip. Me and Martin wanted to go to Åland as usual but the other guys wanted to go to a bar in Germany and watch some strange band. Me and Martin ended up going to the movies instead, which was a tv in a room with two red sofas.

At the movies we met some old friend from school and at some point a war broke out but me and martin figured out that we could dodge the draft by going partying instead. How that was going to work I do not know. So we put on our suits, because we had calculated that you have a 50-50 percent chance of getting laid if you wear a suit. When mentioning that statistic to martin his sister sticks her head in the door and says :”you have statistics for everything about picking up chicks”.

It was a strange morning...and I’m late.
And I blame Vamok (a student union) that had a party tuessday night I decided to attend. The party made me go to bed at 6 so the whole wednesday was fucked up, which obviously lead to my freaky dreams.

I didn’t have high hopes for the party as the last two they’ve had sucked pretty bad but there were quite a crowd there and I got coke for free. I also met a chick I had previously met and she bought me a coke as well...S C O R E !
She asked me why I wasn’t at Oliver’s Inn (another bar frequented mostly by Swedish speaking people) and I turned it around and asked her why she wasn’t there. To which she replied: ”because I don’t speak Swedish and don’t drive a tractor”. It is interesting how we Swedish speakers are perceived sometimes.

I also got the impression that she thought I am some sort of ladies man because she then said she thought I didn’t go there because if I went there all the time I wouldn’t be able to find chicks. She also made a comment about me coming to that party to score and asked if I also had found a chick last saturday or friday. Taking into account that a while back another chick had said I was a ”casanova” I can’t help but wonder about it.

I don’t actually mind giving that impression. I see how it *could* hurt me later on when I want to find a girlfriend but right now I’m just taking it easy and having fun being single. Being single is great! I have almost nailed the guitar solo to ’The Final Countdown’ by now. Later on I’ll start working on Eruption...again.

Well, anyway, back to work. Right now there has been a coffee break and the women here have been discussing foods they can’t eat and high blood pressure. And they wonder why I think everyone here is old.


  • At 10:49 PM, Blogger Jonas said…

    In other news, I finally confirmed that the blond chick I’ve been lusting after for some time definately has a boyfriend. I saw them holding hands and stuff at the club. I even recognised the dude as a big guy from my gym. I think her name was Hanna...So now that i know I don’t have to try and hit on her.

  • At 7:23 AM, Blogger Ainu said…

    Poor Jonas

  • At 2:45 AM, Blogger Jonas said…

    It's not so bad. I mean, it's not like she's the only hot blond chick in town.


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