Gone Clubbing

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Me and my friends went out yesterday. We had a warm up at macko's chik's apartment before heading out. The rest of the guys wanted to go to oliver's but I went straight to Royal Night. Mostly because the line to Oliver's was pretty long and it was getting to be quite late.

It was slow when I got there so I relaxed a bit and observed an old couple trying to dance to "smack my bitch up". Quite humorous. Then I noticed my ex girlfriend and her friends so I went over there and talked to them for a while. My ex commented that I smelled nice and her friends asked something about if I had been pumping iron. At last, after six years it's starting to show, hurrah.

Before I knew it the place was packed so it was time to get my groove thing on...which basically means going to the bathroom and haing a whizz and hitting the dance floor. I met a guy I have been talking to for some reason (he is a friend of a chick I have hit on sometime) and later I was joined by two of my ex's friends who we shall call A-sof and Zbbe. Then out of nowhere a strange guy came out and started shaking his money maker for us. It was martin.

After a little while I noticed that a short chick with enormous...eyes...was checking me out. Zbbe also noticed it so I decided that I'd hit on the chick a bit and see how it played out. So we danced a bit and stuff and then when her friends went off someplace she dragged me along and we started talking.

Turned out she was Finnish, which was nice because I could practice my language skills a bit. She looked freakishy familiar and after a while I remember that she works at a local supermarket. I have seen her at the cash register a few times. *drifting off to other tangents* You know how the jackets or shirts that employees at supermarkets wear are sized for elephants so you can't really see if the girl has any lovely lady lumps or not? Well, let me just say that in this case, you CAN tell even with the humongous shirt on. That should give you a clue about the size of ...umm..her eyes.

Naturally, she couldn't believe I wasn't drunk as a skunk. Her friends didn't believe me either. I'm contemplating getting one of those breathalyzers so I could prove it to people.

Aanyway...we danced for a while more later and I gave her a ride home. Obviously I will not reveal any further details because I'm a gentleman.

As we were dancing I look over and was shocked to see martin dancing with some chick. At least I think it was him. I didn't see what happened because I was...umm...busy... and I haven't heard from him so I can't say what happened or didn't happen but let's hope it turned out okay for our friend.


  • At 11:12 PM, Blogger Jonas said…

    Let me guess; she said she was short and fat right? ...Okay, she was a bit short but she was soo cute :p

    Martin just said it was "an old friend", which sounded a bit odd...but that is probably because when *I* say stuff like that it usually means it's someone I made out with at some point.

  • At 9:18 AM, Blogger Jonas said…

    I wasn't shocked to see you with a chick but shocked that you used the "old friends" phrase...as I said; that one is reserved for chicks I have made out with :p

    Yeah, baby, full speed ahead!! Rock out with your cock out!


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