Gone Clubbing

Friday, August 11, 2006

The strangest of nights

So yesterday was the night of the arts.
Me and martin decided to go to Fontana early because there was no entry fee before 12. We arrived at a pretty empty place but there were quite a few there we knew. A bunch of people from the Swedish business school was there partying it up.

After a while a fight broke out in the old part. Some big dude punched a thinner dude so he fell down the staircase and hit the floor pretty hard. everyone's attention was pointed to the situation. The guy who had gotten punched in the face didn't get up. He just laid there and started shaking violently. It was obvious he was having some kind of seizure. Three door men came and held him down so he wouldn't hurt himself.

Then the clock struck twelve and the Hanken people decided to take the party on the road so they invited everyone to their basement for free drinks. Everyone would get three free drinks they said. But for it to succeed we all had to line up outside the club so they could count us. When we did that a gorgeous brunette latched onto me and said: "I'm coming with you". I was like "sure, whatever you want".

But then me and martin decided we needed to go to the bathroom so we went back inside. As we were standing by the urinals doing our business we both notice a dude sort of shaking and making weird grunts. Okay, I figured he was drunk and didn't pay any more attention to him but later when he lets out this loud moan I realise what he is doing; he was whacking it right there.

Then he turns around, dick still in hand and says; "man that felt good. With all those hotties out there you just have to release some pressure every now and then". Then he lets out a few more squirts that almost hits martin, who says :"hey watch out with that thing dude".
I say: "Yeah, you could have hit us with your load man". The dude stares a bit and says: "hmm..you mean like this?" and starts whacking it violently again and starts squiting all over the place.

Me and martin both try to take cover but the guy has some serious moves on and shoots several meters at a time so we have our work cut out not to get jizz on us. Suddenly the barrage of spunk halts. His friends have stopped him. So i go up to the guy and say: "hey dude, I'm a regular here so I could get you thrown out for that". His friends seem a bit shaken by the statement. They assume I must be an officer in the Finnish army and a gold VIP to the club. I admit to not being a gold VIP though. They all exit the bathroom.

Me and martin stay behind though 'cause I noticed Paris Hilton standing in a corner. She is way shorter than I had thought. Turns out she is 1,40 but is really nice. I put her over my shoulder and walk out.

Oh yeah, that didn't really happen...It was a dream I had last night. Nothing really interesting happened at the bar so I thought I'd write that instead.


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