Gone Clubbing

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Cleaning party

I’ve come to the conclusion that I should probably try to go to bed earlier, because I sleep way too little. Maybe that’s why I keep failing; because I “should probably try” instead of “I *will*”. Well, actually, I’ve managed to go to bed a bit earlier now a couple of nights. On Tuesday I went to bed 45 minutes earlier and yesterday almost an hour and a half.

However, me going to bed earlier doesn’t translate into me coming into work any earlier. I pretty much get there at 8:10, like clockwork. And no matter how early I have gone to bed I always take a nap in the afternoon when I get home so basically all I get from going to bed earlier is less time to do stuff during the day. But they do say that sleeping more will make you better looking, and that’s probably the only reason I actually would go to bed earlier.
Yesterday I cleaned my apartment. I even vacuumed the place. It took me two and a half hours. I threw away a bunch of junk mail and a bag of papers from school (figured I don’t need those anymore). Nowadays I keep the place pretty tidy but in the past there have been times when the place looked like a dump, literally. In a way, cleaning was more satisfying back then because the results were more dramatic. Now it’s more like, what that’s it?


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