Gone Clubbing

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

New tests

Well, today I was scheduled to go see a ...someone who knows about diabetes and stuff. So I go there, they draw blood, run a test and lo and behold, the number comes out 4.9 (one hour after lunch), which is extremely good. Practically no one comes in and show a value of 5 or less.

So next week I’m going back for yet another test to determine once and for all what’s going on. The nurse said that it’s practically guaranteed to come out negative (or is that positive?) judging by that 4.9. She suspected that there had been something wrong with the first test or something ’cause I do not at all fit the profile of a diabetic.

However, then we’re back to square one regarding my blood pressure. I suppose there is the possibility that I get stressed about it and therefore it’s higher. I know I tend to get a bit worked up over anything that is out of the ordinary on any given day. Oh well...


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