Gone Clubbing

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


I had a strange dream last night. Actually, I had three. I remember getting up to take a piss around 6 and thinking ”I’m going to write about those two dreams in my blog later”, but now I can’t remember what they were about. However, I do remember the last dream I had.

It was winter and Martin’s dad was helping clear the road from snow with one of our tractors. For some reason I was sitting in the back. The strange thing was his technique. Instead of driving along the road he drove from left side to right side, with the tractor completely turned. Basically he just hit the gas, drove into one ditch, backed up and drove into the ditch behind him.

Now, I remember, I was sitting in the back because I was hiding. There was a contract out on me and there were people out to get me. However, after a while I had had enough and got out. At that moment he started driving normally again and went off. I was standing next to the place we used to pick berries when we were kids and WHAM, a blond chick in a leather suit crashed into me. It was an assassin.

There was wrestling, I kicked her in the face, she fell over and dropped her gun and I shot her in the back of the head, after which I went over to her, pulled her head up in her hair and insulted her before she died. After all, she DID try to kill me.

Then one of my old friends from school came driving along the road. He stopped and I told him what had just happened. Then he tried to stab me. Luckily managed to turn the blade and kill him before he could off me. I wonder what it means...
Yesterday I was watching a documentary about breasts. A woman had lost her mother to breast cancer when she was 7 and now made a documentary. At 9 she had started getting breasts herself and felt that ” the breasts of doom” that had taken her mother were now out to get her. Nearly 25 years later she was ”finally ready to face them”. That’s pretty fucked up if you ask me.

Anyway, half way through I stopped watching. There was no apparent theme running through the show, other than it was about titties. There was no clear standpoint on ANY of the subjects being dealt with. There was a long bit about how we are taught by society to think of breasts as sexy and then the whole tirade was dismissed with ”so what? That’s fine by me” (the woman herself said that). Then there was a bit about breast cancer and that whole ”pink ribbon” thing. At that point I stopped watching. The whole, show was a mess if you ask me.
I had the most outrageous idea this morning; what if I wouldn’t go out tonight? I could sit at home, play guitar, watch Rome and Myth Busters and go to sleep early and get a good 12-13 hours of rest. I’m off work tomorrow so I could go out on town a bit before going to the gym, maybe go to the library or something. This morning when I was really tired the sleeping seemed awfully tempting. However, I usually ”wake up” in the evenings so I’ll probably change my mind again later tonight.
Strangest thing; I found a book about dreams in a bookstore today on my lunch break. Apparently, being attacked supposedly means that you feel uncertain about something in your life. However, attacking someone else seems to mean that you turn adversity into possibility and see it more as a challenge and a way to grow.
I also saw one of the club dj’s on the street so I said “hello” . He said “see you at Fontana, we are having a big party there tonight” and I replied “I’m there”…so basically I promised that I would show up. SinceI take my word very seriously I must go :p..besides, that chick might be there…or someone entirely new.


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