Gone Clubbing

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Messing with Jukka

Yesterday was tremendously fun.
I didn't meet any smashing new chick or anything like that. I just had a very good time. The last couple of weeks I've gotten to know this group of chicks who are always out partying, just like me. They are a bit ...extreme...and have a similar sense of humour as I do so I hang with them sometimes. So last night I partied with them a bit...in addition to cruising for chicks.

After closing time we sat outside on a bench, talking to some other people we had just met. It was really warm so we sat there until 4:30 or something. Then we figured it was time to go home so I said I could give 'em a lift since I had a car and all. As we were walking to the car this weird guy started walking with us, saying something in Finnish. I don't know how it started or who came up with the idea but we started pretending we were from Skåne, speaking with an accent.

We tried to get him to teach us Finnish. He tried to explain that "kukat" meant flowers but of course we started messing with him, asking what exactly it was we had been cooking (kokat) and stuff about cows and cats.

Later on as we were getting into the car he asked if he could come along but we said that we were going to the airport. He didn't really believe us and said that no planes were going to take off at that hour. But one of our gang were quick enough to say that we were going to Vanda airport so we had to leave. We did get rid of him eventually.

Then we had the brilliant idea of going to ABC for morning coffee. I had this sandwich with bacon and egg. Very good. We sat there and chatted for another hour or so and then headed home.

Really cool evening.


  • At 4:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So you went to bed at 6 or 7 or so?

  • At 11:43 PM, Blogger Jonas said…

    Yeah, I guess I went to bed at around 6...Actually, I think it was 5:56.


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