Gone Clubbing

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Publicity stunt

Yesterday I was interviewed by a local newspaper. It was supposed to become a “personal portrait” type of article, one in a series soon to be published. The series was being done by a group of students and one of my friends’ girlfriend had apparently thought that I’d be a prime candidate for that kind of thing. I asked why but apparently she had refused to say. I’ll ask her about it this weekend though.

The interview was pretty much what I expected. A lot of the questions focused on my views on the importance of physical appearences, what I do to look good, why etc. Then there were some other personal questions like “what do you find important?” and “what do you love/hate?”. The hardest question to answer was “what makes you special?”.

There was one surprising twist though. There is a movie called Boogie Nights, which is about a kid going into the 70’s porn game as Dirk Diggler. When he meets the producer for the first time, the producer says “…they also tell me you have a great big cock…May I see it?”. It was a bit like that for me too. Except that she said “I also hear that you have great abs…may we see them?”. That was a bit of a curve ball but I figured what the hell. She claimed that chicks will be all over me when the article is published but from previous experience I pretty much doubt that.
Anyway, it’ll be interesting to read it later. I hope she got interesting material for the article and that it won’t make me out to be a complete moron. But hey, “any publicity is great publicity”.


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