Gone Clubbing

Sunday, July 30, 2006

I'm back baby!

I did another double-header this weekend. And by that I don’t mean I took it in both holes or anything. I just went out both on friday and saturday. Didn’t feel like breaking the streak me and martin started four weeks ago.

On friday I headed over to Giggling Marlin. They had had a VIP party earlier in the evening (which reportedly sucked) that I was NOT invited to ;(, so I figured there would be at least a couple of people there. However, the place was half empty for the most part of the night. The suomi-pop part was quite full though.

A funny thing happened when I was standing by the bar; I got recognised as ”that guy from that web page”. Some dude standing next to me made the comment. He also mentioned that he also goes to B&F gym but I have never seen him there. So now a total of two has recognised me. I’m practically a celebrity.

It’s interesting that in Åland it was like I was made of air or something because it seemed like all the chicks saw right through me and as soon as I get back to vasa and the bar circuit I immediately get hit on by two-three chicks without any real effort on my part. I had three at Giggling and later on saturday I had another one at Fontana. I can’t help but wonder why that is. Maybe it’s because I feel more at home in the clubs here or is it really because the chicks down there don’t go for guys who look like me? It’s strange.

Anyway, on saturday I went to the beach and tanned and then off to the gym for my final workout of the week. I had missed one since our cousin was home from England so I had to go on saturday instead. I didn’t really mind because the place is empty on saturdays. Later in the evening I went out again.

Marcus called and asked if I would join him and Kia at Fontana so I went there instead of my original plan which was going to Royal. In retrospect I’m happy with my choice. The place was packed.

It’s interesting to see the shifts in popularity between the clubs here. Royal was lagging behind but pulled back into the race, then it was Fontanas turn to be left behind and now, with the new renovation and fresh look, they seem to have pulled back into the lead once again. I would have to go to Royal a few times to confirm this though. It will also be interesting to see what happens later this fall when Giggling turns into Onnela and lowers the price of beer. In combination with their lowered age limit I think we could have a contender there.

Fontana still has the problem that the chicks on the main dance floor pretty much disappear after two o’clock. Maybe they feel it becomes too much of a sausage fest there (which it is). The good thing about Royal is that the chicks there stay right until the end. However, that doesn’t really help since Royal never has been very kind to me on the chick-front.
Anyway, could it be that people are already heading back into town? I saw a lot of faces in Fontana I hadn’t seen in a while. Autumn is always an exciting time.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I’m starting to think I’m a bit narcissistic. Previously I have made a re-make of Mona Lisa with my face inserted (it has gotten rave reviews too, like ”disturbing” and ”you really need to get a girlfriend”). I have now managed to make an Andy Warhol-inspired print of myself. I am very happy with both artworks but I do wonder if people will think it is weird that I have pictures of me hanging around in my apartment. It *is* a bit self centered isn’t it? But the pictures are sooo pretty.

Another pretty thing is my new Little Britain Daffyd doll I got from my cousin. It’s hilarious.

There is one more thing I’d eventually like to make in Photoshop though; a cartoon-version of me, sort of like the pics they have of characters in Vice City and San Andreas. Those look cool. However, it appears that photos are a bit too detailed for the effect to be satisfactory. I guess one would have to edit the photos a lot before it would look anything like what I have in mind.

Anyway, a bit more about the trip.
I thought it was pretty fun to observe the behaviour of our two couples, especially jens and carolina. Carolina has a tendency to, in typical girl-manner, give little hints and ask questions instead of saying right away what she wants. However, one day someone was smelling like sweat in the room. Jens said that it was probably him. Later on we discovered that it was because of his way of spraying deodorant. He sprays a very small amount and most of it misses the arm pit. So naturally Carolina wanted to show him how to properly apply it. That was pretty funny. *Whip!*I should have taken a picture of that…I wonder if I did…I can’t remember.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Trip events

Well, the long weekend is over and I am back from Åland. It was an eventful trip. I am a bit bummed about missing the Riehaan.nu-foam party this saturday though but what can you do.

We started driving towards Åbo on thursday morning at 3:30 AM. I had gone to bed at 1 and had slept no more than an hour. Martin, who was driving, had slept an equally short amount of time. Macko and Kia had gone earlier during the week so it was me, martin jens and carolina. The drive down went smoothly, me and martin chatted about random stuff while jens and carolina were sleeping in the backseat. But by the time we boarded the farry both me and martin were pretty spent.

After an all too long sea voyage we drove off the farry into Mariehamn at around three o’clock. We met up with marcus and kia, bought some food at a local super market and drove off to marcus’ grandparents’ house where we were supposed to spend the night. After eating there was talk about going on a boat ride to see…something. But me and martin stayed behind and slept for a few hours.
After the rest returned we went for a sauna and shower, after which there was nothing really left but going to bed.

Me and martin were FORCED to sleep on the second floor of the main house while the rest slept in a small cottage not far from the house. Carolina claimed that she was unable to sleep in the main house because of allergies. Marcus had tried to make the alternative more tempting by mentioning that there was a tv-set there. He failed to mention that it didn’t work. So both me and martin woke up at the crack of dawn when the oldies downstairs started making noise and shouting about hammers and shit. We had also been unable to work out where the shitter was during the evening so none of us had taken a dump yet.

The four others had decided to go shopping to Stockholm so it was just me and martin who set off for the hotel in mariehamn. It took a while to find it because I couldn’t remember the name of the street. So we went in to the wrong hotel at first but the nice girl pointed us in the right direction and we were there fifteen minutes later. Martin’s younger brother had spent a few nights there a few weeks before and had said that the rooms sucked and there was blood on the walls and stuff but apparently he had been full of shit ’cause the rooms were very nice. There was a big bathroom, small kichenette, refrigerator and a tv…with three working channels. We also got breakfast accross the street at an ungodly hour. We had to get up at 8:30 to make it in time.

After dumping our gear we went out on town and had lunch and scoped out the local talent. During the trip it would become clear that Åland has excellent quality teenagers (14:s’eses). It would also become clear that the older chicks are as cold as ice. Of that fact we were, however, still blissfully unaware.

We went for coffee (martin had coffee, I had a juice box), walked around for a while and then headed back to the room to prepare for the evening. Later when we had arrived at a club called Arken (situated in a hotell called Archipelago) we were expecting the others to return and join the party. However, when they did they claimed to be too tired and just went back to the hotel (technically a bed and brekfast) to sleep. So it was just me and martin rockin’ out.

I have never been in a bar or club as packed as that one. Not even during the heydays of Oliver’s Inn, not even Royal Night at Christmas time have I experienced a dance floor as packed. Usually I have no problem with crowded bars but this was a bit too much even for me. By the end of the night I wanted to punch someone. Of course that could also be the result of sexual frustration. Remember, I hadn’t jacked it for over 24 hours and was feeling a bit backed up.
None of us had any luck with the ladies so we went for a burger and sat under a roof while waiting for the rain to stop. After about an hour we were approached by a drunk, fat Swedish guy in a soaking wet white shirt who appeared very aggressive. He was upset because someone had made a wise crack about him and how he should pay extra for his burger or something. Anyway, he was prepared to start a fight but a not-so-drunk Finnish dude calmed him down. It was a bizarre situation because normally it would have been the Finnish guy who was aggressive.

Anyway, we went back to the room, went to bed, woke up about an hor and a half later, went for breakfast and went back to sleep. After waking up for the second time we went to a small ”island” and played volleyball and sat on the beach for a while after which we went for lunch.

Anyway, I think saturday was the most eventful and fun night. We had contemplated going to the Rockoff festival being held but me and martin had wandered around there on friday so we suggested that instead of going in we’d just sit and chill outside on the lawn, have a few cold ones and relax. If we really wanted to see a band we could stand by the fence, which was rougly 40 metres from the stage.

It probably took us maybe an hour to walk the seven blocks from the hotel to the festival since we stopped by a church and prayed…and by ”prayed” I mean ”sat on a bench drinking beer and Koskenkorva and then taking a piss on the yard.

When we got to the festival area we sat down on the lawn and just chilled, had a few…maybe some of us had a few too many…well…is there such a thing as too many of a good thing? I had noticed that jens had started becoming drunk already in the room before we left. When he drinks the hard stuff he becomes almost hyperactive and I noticed that his eyes and head motions were getting increasingly faster. After a few hours and drinks on the lawn he was in excellent condition, smiling like crazy, bobbing his head to the music. It was to become even more crazy later on.

Martin had at that point started feeling ill and said he’d throw up if he stood up. His rescue came from an unexpected source; a 16year old girl with big…eyes…came over and sat next to us and started chatting. After a few moments she was joined by some friends of hers. One of them was very. very drunk and latched on to martin who later said that he talked to her and not the other ones because she sat on the ”good side” (if he leaned in that direction he didn’t feel as sick). Martin took care of her whenever she stumbled past us. Words can probably not describe the situation…there are pictures though that will be shown to select individuals at a later point in time.

Anyway, it was getting chilly so we decided to move on to the bar. It took an hour walking back. That may not seem like a lot, considering the time it had taken us getting there but this time we didn’t stop by the church for half an hour. No, there was falling in bushes, laying in piles, attempts to stick plastic bottles in asses, getting stung on rosebush thornes, rolling in hedges, eating flowers all with Jens not walking, not running but skipping and jumping the whole way to the bar.

When we got there the place was pretty empty. It was to fill up later on though but not before jens had gotten very tired. When he was at a point where he didn’t even lift his head carolina thought it was time to call it a night. The rest of us stayed and partied on. I was situated on the dance floor most of the time, looking for openings to hit on chicks. However, it was slim pickins and opportunities where scarce. I can honestly say I played all the cards I was dealt and came up empty handed.

I couldn’t find the others as I was leaving so I went for a walk down by the pier, saw a guy trying to convince a chick to suck his dick and then went back to the room.

On sunday marcus and kia went back to marcus’ grandparents’ house while the rest of us stayed behind. We decided to try to find tickets to the festival because Lordi was playing but it was sold out. We got ahold of two. We did decide however that we’d go back later in case they released some extra tickets, which amazingly they did.

It was far too crowded there. There was no place to sit and barely room to stand. But the show was great. The crowd at Rockperry had been very quiet compared to this crowd. Especially during Would you love a Monsterman and Hard Rock Hallelujah, the crowd went nuts.

After the show me and martin decided to head over to Arken once more. I didn’t have high hopes of there being a lot of people there but after a while the place was packed…on a sunday! Jens and Carolina had decided to take a ”romantic walk” instead and go to bed.

Once again I struck out but Martin started talking to this short brunette. I am probably not at liberty to say what went down but I do know that he went to an after party on a sail boat but the chick and a bunch of other Swedes and that he came back to the hotel in the morning.

The next day there was little else to do than pack the bags, jump in the car and go back to vasa. We ate on the ferry, bought some stuff in the duty free store and sat around. We came back to Vasa at midnight.

The trip was a lot of fun but for me personally it felt good to be back in a place where some chicks actually look at you and not straight through you like they did in Åland. I think that my ”look” just doesn’t cut in over there. Especially considering that small drunk chick who said that I looked like a ”Finnish ballad singer”…come to think of it, last year a Swedish chick commented that I looked like…whatshisface?…Pekka Heino, on Swedish tv…he’s gay…and not a good looking one at that.
So yeah, I’d rather be an above average fish in a small pond than a butt ugly one in a big pond.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Rockperry and lost mojo

This weekend the Rockperry festival was held in Vasa. Me, martin, marcus and kia went there on friday while me, martin and later joined by jens went there on saturday. Friday was superior in every way. To quote a guy on the riehaan.nu forum "saturday seemed very slow and "middle aged" in comparison ". I couldn't agree more.

I especially enjoyed Lordi and that band beginning with an S I can never remember...ah yes, Stratovarius. They rocked the shit out of the place. On saturday I liked Wild force, even though their sound was a bit bland. Uriah Heep was cool too. We stood near the stage in hopes of cathing a drum stick later on but as it happened the drummer was too olod and fat to be able to throw anything but cheetos in his mouth so that never happened.

On saturday we also enjoyed watching some guy I figured was gay feel up another guy who seemed pretty disturbed by the gay's advances. That was fun albeit a bit scary in case he'd changed his intentions and attacked me or martin. We'd have had to run away or kicked him in the nuts or something.

We went to Fontana afterwards on both nights. Martin was tired both nights so he went home early, leaving me with the chicks on the killing floor. But as it turned out I had no luck on either night. Actually I detest calling it luck because in my mind it's more about skill. So actually I had no skill .

I must have lost my mojo or something because I've been in a slump for quite some time now. I have come up with a couple of reasons;
1. I suck.
2. All women are taken.
3. Women are not horny during summer.

Number two seems pretty unlikely so that leaves me with 1 and 3. It's probably a mix of 70% 1 and 30% 3. Then again, 3 is in affect all year round so that shouldn't change anything.

Anyway, whatever, heading for Åland on thursday. That'll be tricky...not whacking it for five days. And there is little chance of doing it in the shower since we live pretty cramped in the same room.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Suicide bomber

A few days ago I was watching a documentary about suicide bombers and what makes them tick. It was quite interesting. It seems that the vast majority of suicide bombers (henceforth referred to as SB's) exist closely with their comrades. The group of friends they are with form a very tight bond and in many ways the group becomes their new family. Within the group they feel like they can do whatever they set their minds to. I think it's basically the same way the army works.

Anyway, so what has that got to do with me?
Well, I started thinking, out of my group of friends I think that I would probably be the most likely candidate for a SB. Either me or martin as we are pretty tight. But then again I think we are both too much of a pussy to blow ourselves to smithereens. Besides, I am pretty sure martin feels the need to bang (pun intended) more women before doing that.

Ove would probably be the second least likely to be a SB. He's way too cheap for that. If he was to blow himself up he'd probably get some cheap ass explosives and only manage to bruise his crotch or something. Jens and macko are way too level headed. However, now that I think about it, ove was the one most gung ho about the army so maybe if someone else paid for the bomb....

Anyway, I figure that my brother is overall the LEAST likely to be a SB. No, that is not his style. Way too messy. I peg him more as a unabomber. He's way too smart to blow himself up though. Then again he'd probably not be bothered to build bombs anyway. Too much work. *Maybe* if the instructions were in Japanese...

So umm...if the FBI are reading this; I'm not really being serious here dude. No one is going to blow anything up...we're too busy having sex with hot chicks.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

The war is on!

I don't think anyone predicted this. I certainly didn't.
There is a price war brewing in the club scene in Vasa. A lot of people thought that the real war would begin in September when all the students return but it appears as if the war is already starting. Fontana, Gigglin Marlin, Superstereo, Sky and Hullu Pullo ALL have some type of special offers as well as free entry on certain days. And lo and behold; Royal Night is once again struggling to keep up and is offering...nothing. Nada, zilch, zero, bubcus. Is history going to repeat itself and Royal will lose its popularity again?

Fontana has raised the age limit for saturdays to 20. Personally I doubt that it will be a very rigid policy as they have tried that before with little success. According to other sources the decision was based on the fact that a lot of people feel that they do not want to go there because it IS a place for 18 year olds. On tp of that is the fact that it seems as if the active group of 18 year olds is decreasing so it is a natural progression.

Here is the real shocker though.
In response to this, Giggling Marlin (known for NOT being a place for 18 year olds) has lowered their age limit to 18 EVERY night of the week. Apparently the call came from the new head honchos in the southern region of Finland.

So this will be very interesting. Predictions? It's anybody's guess really but one thing I do know is that you have to keep moving forward unless you want to be left behind. One would think that Royal Night would have learned from previous experiences but it seems it hasn't. So my only prediction is that Royal will once again be left in the dust of the others...just like a broken down McLaren by the side of the race track.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

It's summer

I was just outside in the garden eating fresh strawberries. There was a light breeze that didn't feel the least bit cold, the sun was shining and I realised that, yes, it is now officially summer. I felt the same thing this weekend as me and martin came out from Fontana and it was warm.

We went out both friday and saturday this weekend. On friday our friend jens wanted us to come to Vörå for some sort of village idiot party called the Vörå-days. However, since martin came to the conclusion that he had to be drunk to go there it would mean that I would have to give him a ride back into town so he wouldn't have to face his parents later at home when hung over or semi drunk. So I tossed out the idea that we'd go to Fontana because they had free entry and a grand re-opening party. Martin thought this was a sound plan so we went ahead with it.

We went to martin's sister's place first for a pre-party. When we got there I noticed her boyfriend had gotten a new guitar so naturally I had to try it out. At one point marre noted that I had pictures up on the web and showed them to her bf's friend who was also there and wanted to see them. Later on he said: "Hey, I have a question. You look like one of them Scandinavian Hunks and play guitar like a motherfucker and you don't have a girlfriend. So what the fuck must we normal guys do to get one?". I had no answer for him but found the question to be quite amusing.

We got there and the place was pretty full. I was relieved 'cause I hadn't thought that would be the case. Fontana seems to have managed to attract at least some interest once again. Only time will tell if interest will last or if they will slip into obscurity.

It was hot like hell on the dance floor both days. I was sweating like a pig and guzzled water like a ...big..water guzzling...thing. On thursday I observed that the same problem with too many guys and too few girls on the floor was still prevalent. The situation vastly improved on saturday though.

Another reason I wanted to go on friday was because I was fairly certain I could score tickets to the VIP party on saturday, which I indeed did. One of the dj's asked if I was coming and gave me an invitation when I mentioned I hadn't got one. So on friday we went over there at 9:30 for free drinks and refreshments. I didn't particularly like the food (sun dried tomatoes, orange slices, olives, boiled potatoes and salmon that had already been eaten by the time we got there) and since I don't drink I donated my free drink tickets to Martin, C and her friend who also were there. As a result martin got a total of seven free drinks that night. Still, he was nowhere near his worst drunken state.

So what was the verdict on the new design? Well, it was aestethically pleasing. It looked very nice. However... it did not work in practice. One wondered if the architect had ever been to a night club. Previously there has been one spot where there was a "bottle neck" situation and would get very crowded and hard to get through. By introducing a raised platform area and railing around the same area the architect has effectively lengthened said bottleneck and made it three times worse. He has also created another bottleneck at the entrance to the bathrooms.
When the novelty of the new wears off people will start to get very annoyed at the situation.

Two other new elements were the introduction of mirrors on the pillars by the dance floor and on some walls, which created the illusion of space and a totally black dance floor. The floor wasn't black but the walls and ceiling had all been painted a matte black color. On thursday I thought it was too dark but on friday they seemed to had worked out a way to get the right amount of lighting.

It would be interesting to hear what kind of ideas are behind the design. Was the railing an dincreased seating area introduced in an attempt to attract an older clientele who are more interested in conversation? What was the reasoning for the all black dance floor? And why on earth didn't he manage to not make more bottlenecks? In the case of Giggling Marlin's face lift (that had one bottleneck) they managed to eliminate it alltogether. In the case of Fontana it could even become a fire hazard if the dance floor is packed and everyone needs to get out at the same time. Anyway, one must admit that the design is very contemporary.

Next week we have the Rockperry festival. I am really looking forward to hearing C bitch and whine about how expensive and sucky it is. Notice my sarcasm.

Take care for now.
One love.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Great deal!

I came accross a great deal today!
In the last couple of weeks the condition of the wheels on my rollerblades has gone from bad to worse, especially since I got a big flat spot on one of them when a small pebble locked the wheel as I was breaking going down a hill. I placed that wheel in the number two spot behind the front wheel and that helped a lot but I still want to swap the wheels as soon as possible.

Today during my lunch break I decided to go through Citymarket. I walked passed the sporting goods section and decided to take a look at the current price of rollerblades as the summer sale has started. Then just as I was leaving I noticed a few sets of wheels with red stickers on the packaging. They were on sale!

Most of them were too small for my taste (76-78 mm) but I found two sets of 80mm wheels. Hurrah! They were not as hard as I’d like (at 78a) but the price was unbeatable; 5 euros for four wheels, marked down from 29.90 ! I even found two sets so now I have 8 brand new wheels for a total cost of 10 euros. I would have put them on tonight and tried them out but unfortunately disaster struck a few days ago.

On the way to the beach there is a section of road where there is no asphalt. There is a loading dock or something similar nearby and by going over that you can cut the section of gravel down to two small (roughly 1metre) long sections on either side. Now, when I go through gravel with rollerblades I usually speed up so I won’t have to take new strides in the middle of it 8that is when you get in trouble).

As I was speeding up I felt that my left foot folded in a bit but didn’t think much of it at first. After the second gravel pit however, I knew something was definately wrong. The skate felt very wobbly and lacked the support around the ankle. Upon closer examination I realised that the plastic around the ankle had cracked. As a result I now cannot put as much pressure on that foot as I normally would.

I figure the crack is a result of my aggressive skating style. I prefer hard wheels because they are faster and I like to do tight turns and the occasional jump. During the landing there is a lot of pressure on the plastic supporting the ankle. All that, in combination with worn wheels (which angles the foot even more inwards), probably resultet in the busted skate. They were only two seasons old too.

I can still use it but I can’t go full out though. I will try to repair it over the weekend by ”sewing” it together with thick metal wire but I’m not sure it will do the trick. If not I will just have to bite the bullet and get new skates...more expensive ones with as little plastic as possible.

P.S.I’m also thinking of getting new ball bearings as Halpa Halli has sets of eight Abec 7 bearings for only 12 euros.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Language rant

My god there are some dumb people in this world. Yesterday I finally got Vaasan Ikkuna (a free newspaper for those who don’t know). There was this one person who was complaining about the recent Vaasa Football Cup-soccer tournament. His/her issue was, as I understood it, that a speaker had commented on the games in Swedish first and then an abbreviated version in Finnish. The guy complaining also had an issue with the fact that they also used English. According to him that was unnecessary.

This is so god damn typical of Finns! Ninety five percent of the time it’s the other way around. Swedish speakers always get the short end of the stick. When something is in writing the Swedish version is often smaller and beneath the Finnish text. No one says a god damn thing about that but as soon as Swedish is spoken first Finns get their panties in a wad. The law states that both languages are equal but in reality Swedish is treated as a second rate language while Finnish is seen as THE language to speak.

I sometimes wonder if this attitude is the reason for most Finns not being able to speak other languages very well. Out in the world they say that Finns usually are very good at languages. I disagree. Yes, it is rue that a lot get by using English if someone asks something on the street. But ”getting by” does not equal ”good”.

Most Finns are in no sense of the word good at English. The pronounciation sucks, their grammar is terrible and vocabulary very limited. I was once in charge of correcting a report written in English by our class in school. At first I couldn’t believe that the text was written by people well in their 20’s. The grammar was at junior high school level at best.

As for the English in the soccer tournament; I guess the dude was unaware that there were a lot of teams from abroad there who DO NOT UNDERSTAND FINNISH because contrary to popular belief, Finnish is NOT a language spoken everywhere. Dumbass.
I had another strange dream this morning. I dreamt that I woke up by a pounding on my window. I looked up and saw satan standing on my balcony. It was Satan from South Park by the way. He was pounding away at the window, yelling that I should let him in.

Anyway, it was Satan, why should I let him in? So I gave him the finger and put my head back on the pillow. That really pissed him off and he managed to break my window and was about to climb in when the dream changed scenery and I was back home with my brother who was trying to photograph a pingwin in our barn.

Then for some reason I got annoyed at a chick from Närpes because she was too stupid to understand something so I had to bash her with a wooden board.
I wonder if I have played GTA too much.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

It was so obvious

I had a series of strange dreams last night. Actually I think it was this morning because I remember going to the bathroom at 5:30 and thinking I’d get up in half an hour (I slept for another hour and a half before I got up).

I can’t remember a lot except for one ”scene”.
I was at a party or gathering of sorts. It was me and a bunch of chicks. The women seemed immersed in conversation when I noticed I needed to take a piss. But what should I do? The possibility of excusing myself to go to the bathroom was not even there...for some odd reason. It never even crossed my mind. Then it dawned on me; I’ll piss in that handbag over there on the table. It was an ingenious plan that simply could not fail.

I slowly put my hand on the bag that belonged to the only chick I actually knew there; a short brunette I had banged at one time. I carefully slid the handbag down from the table into my lap and managed to open it. For some strange reason I had already whipped out my unit so all I had to do was slip it in and ”release the pressure”.

I had just began pissing when I noticed all the women around the table had stopped talking. Now their eyes were locked on me and they all had a look of amazement and/or disgust on their faces. Then the brunette spoke.
-”Just what the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” she said.
- ”Umm...nothing really”, I said, even though I knew the game was up.
- ” ’Cause it looks like you’re taking a piss in my handbag”. By this time I kind of suspected that she was somewhat pissed (pun intended).

I assured her that I was in fact NOT pissing in her handbag.
- ”No, really, see I’m actually pissing on the floor”, I said, and quickly pulled out my weiner and directed the golden stream down on the floor, almost hitting the womens’ shoes.
Everybody looked under the table to confirm that I was telling the truth. I had successfully fooled everyone.

The brunette, however, still seemed a bit suspicious because she took her bag away from me. When she did I noticed that she had a bunch of stuff in there, some keys and a cell phone and other things. I considered the idea that she would eventually smell the piss in the bag or at the very least notice that the thing was soaking wet but I soon dismissed that thought. There was no way she’d notice.
How could she? It was as obvious as taking a leak in someone’s purse.
I wonder what it means.

Make or break

This upcoming weekend will be very interesting. Fontana has its Grand Re-Opening Party, while Superstereo has a VIP bash. The thing is fontana also has one of those. Given the fact that the last couple of weeks pretty much have proven that there aren't enough clubbers to go around during the summer it will be an epic battle (I'm trying to be poetic here...just go with me).

In my opinion, Fontana is facing a make or break situation. The place hasn't really been full since april, with the exception of graduation day. Royal Night has successfully managed to become king of the clubs once again in Vasa and a lot of people who went to Fontana before are now heading for Royal on their night out. If Fontana cannot manage to attract customers this saturday it will probably remain half empty until September, when schools start.

On top of that, one can suspect that several VIP:ers to Superstereo also have the Gold card to Fontana, so it will be interesting to see if they will stay at one place or if they will move from one to the other. If they do I wonder where they will go last.

Personally, my money is on Fontana but given the situation this spring it's really a toss up. The odds are probably 52-48% in Fontanas favour. i will myself be going to Fontana and hope that I bet my 5 euros on the right horse.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Sunny weekend report

Another weekend has come and passed and a sunny one at that.
On saturday our sister had a graduation party with too many different kinds of cakes, cookies and goodies. Hell, we could probably have fed Somalia for a year with all that stuff.

Later in the evening me, martin and marcus went to Sandö, knocked back a few cold ones in the evening sun and talked about manly things...like knitting...and feelings. It was very relaxing. A couple of finnish chicks sat a few feet away and the drunk one of them eventually started talking to us, trying to convince us to go swimming. She insisted that they wouldn’t look when we took off our clothes as they both were lesbians. Then they made out a bit to prove it. Needless to say we didn’t fall for it. Later as they went off to meet Pekka (I don’t know who it is but they made a comment about him showing up soon) they admitted that they had been ”testing us”.

Then as it became quite cold we went over to Strampen for a few more. Unfortunately by that time it had become quite cold so it wasn’t very nice to sit outside anymore. Me and martin decided to head over to the bars. At first we went over to Superstereo and checked it out. I hadn’t been there in a long time so it was cool to see what it was like.

I didn’t really like the place. The decour was cool and all and the layout wasn’t that bad either. No real ”bottleneck” areas. But a bar is only as good as its patrons, who in this particular club consisted of loads of crappily dressed Finnish people and quite a few black guys and a few chicks. It was far from exciting and by 1:30 we headed off to new destinations.

Martin said he was hungry so he went over to McD’s for some ”food” while I headed over to Giggling Marlin. I actually like Marlin for some reason...during the winter months that is, when the place is packed with students. Last saturday though, it was the same problem as with superstereo; not enough interesting people there. I met a couple of guys I know and later on Macko’s girlfriend came there as well but otherwise it was far from interesting. There was a total of two hot chicks there and the rest were so-so. So nothing interesting went down.

When I just had gotten home I get a call from martin. I wondered where he was since he never showed up at Giggling Marlin. He had gone over to Oliver’s Inn and stayed there all night. Macko, who we hadn’t seen since Strampen, had been off on his own adventures and mentioned Royal Night. So it appears we had been at three seperate locations. No harm in that either.
On sunday we went over to Sandö to fry the bacon before heading home. I stayed there for two hours while the rest had to go after about one because they wanted to go wakeboarding. Too bad I never really get brown...just a slightly darker pink. Pretty soon I will move into purple-area and look like a giant...purple thing.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

My first groupie

on friday I got off work pretty early since I had forced myself out of bed at 6 o'clock. after I had gotten home I went out on my balcony and fell asleep in the sun. I woke up when my mother called and asked if I wanted a ride home later. However, as I was going to the gym I decided to go home with my sis' instead.

Anyway, so I headed to the beach to get a bit of a tan. As I was laying there I notice two black dudes arriving. As they walk accross the beach I also notice a fat, pretty tall, Finnish guy running after them...or jogging actually. He seemed very excited about something. He sort of looked like that guy from the Turun Sinappia commercial but with blond hair. His pants were also hanging quite low so you could see his crack.

Anyway, as he was jogging after them I realised he must be pretty drunk because he shouted: "Hei neekeri" a couple of times. Then he realised that the two black guys couldn't understand him so he switched to English.

Take a moment and envision a fat Finnish guy, pants revealing half his ass trying to speak English. What did he say to them? "Hey nigger...you're a good nigger" At first the black guy was a bit put off by it but he soon realised that it was probably the only English phrase he knew and on top of that he was obviously wasted. So the black guy realised that the dude was of no threat and laughed the whole situation off.

After having this conversation the Finnish dude went over to two chicks and sat down next to them. They were obviously annoyed by it as they pushed him away...you know...actually pushing him away. I contemplated going over there and rescuing them for a while but as I knew who they were I decided to chuck that idea.

You see, a few years back a friend of mine was hitting on one of them. We remember her fondly for throwing his towel in the sea at the beach and spitting a drink in my brother's face...I think it was my brother. Anyway, we consider her a bitch, so I decided to let her handle it herself. Besides, women are always saying they want to be equal and all that so I let her handle it and chickled a bit at the whole scene.

Later on as I was leaving a little girl and her little friend came up to me. They couldn't have been more than 8 years old. She politely asked if I spoke Swedish, to which I replied yes. She then goes on explaining that her older sister had seen me and thought I was "hot". They then pointed her out to me but she was laying down about 40 metres away so I couldn't get a very good idea what she looked like. They asked if she could have my phone number or if I wanted to come talk to her.

But at that point I was in a hurry to go to the gym so I told them to tell their sister that if she ever saw me in a club or bar or something she should come up to me and say hi. I left it at that. It was quite an amusing situation actually. I figure it was some chick who had seen my internet pictures and used this lame ass pick up trick. Still, it was somewhat of an ego boost though.

Later on, after having worked out, I went home and started making doughnuts. So now there is a whole plate of 40+ doughnuts coated in sugar, with enough calories to give a rhino a massive coronary.