Run off the mill weekend
As I was folding and hanging back my clothes I noticed that I don’t have a lot of color as far as shirts go. Striped shirts have been all the rage for a few years now so I’ve got a couple of those but the color is mostly in the stripes. I used to have a blue one I really liked but it got too worn so I chucked it. I think I want something to replace the void that shirt left. I do feel, however, that simply a shirt and jeans can be a bit boring when you go out partying so I try to spice it up a bit using accessories. I am still short a nice looking watch though. As shirts are a bit dressier than let’s say t-shirts a nice watch would go nicely with that.
However, in the t-shirt department I am doing very well. I have pink, yellow, olive green, white (with green and black print) and dark blue. In addition to that I also have a dark red and a lime/light green long sleeved one. I like t-shirts because they are cool (as in ”not warm”). When you go out partying you don’t want to be too hot (as in too warm).
I only have two sweaters so I am definately looking to upgrade there. I like to combine a shirt with a sweater for the ”preppy” look, which is very in right now but that gets very warm, especially in the clubs. It’s a great look for sitting outside in the evening, sipping the poison of choice though. It gets a bit nippy now in the evenings so a sweater is just right. I also expect the days to get a bit colder so I could wear that when out on town or whatever. I addition to that it’s also a good ”work look”. There is this brown sweater I have my eye on I will get as soon as I get paid.
I’d also need to eventually get new shoes as my beige suede ones are getting more worn by the day. I definately need some ideas in which direction to go there. I am looking for shoes that match pretty much everything (except a suit), since I am going to be wearing them a lot. I’d also like for them to be cool enough to wear when I go out clubbing.
Last night as I was going to sleep I started thinking that somewhere out there is my future girlfriend. Even though I suppose it *might* happen I doubt that I will remain single for the rest of my life, so she’s out there...somewhere. I started wondering what she was doing right then and there. Is she also awake, watching Beavis and Butthead on MTV or is she asleep? Maybe she is wondering about her future boyfriend and what he is doing. Or maybe she is banging her current boyfriend. And what strange chain of events will lead up to us meeting?
On that note, nothing really interesting went down this weekend. Just another run-off-the-mill weekend at the club.