Beach party dream
It wouldn’t have to be very expensive or complicated either. A bag of chips, maybe some cookies or something, some beer...heck, stop by an R-kiosk on the way and get something. Maybe even someone could bring a family sized pizza.
Then if it got cold/dark the gang could just go to Strampen and sit there for a while and have a few more beers before heading out to the bars. Hell, maybe even the beach party would be so much fun that no one would leave, everyone would just hang out until dawn.
So I actually made a half assed attempt at getting it going. I sent out a few sms’s to some of my friends. Martin was the only one who replied favourably. Jens thought it was a very good idea but he said that he’d spend his time at his summer cottage while the weather is warm. Thing is, it’s pretty hard to get a beach party going when the weather is crappy.
Every now and then I get this crazy notion that it would be real fun to arrange some kind of party and have tons of people the beach party idea. But then I remember just how inept our group is to throw a party. Our ”parties” usually go down like this:
We decide to have a party, *maybe* invite a few people, no one arranges anything, the night comes and no one shows up. If we’re lucky one or two of our relatives last christmas when we actually had invited 20+ to a christmas bash and not one fucker showed up. By then I just faced the facts; we suck at parties. Still, it is really something I’d like to be able to pull off one day.
A beach party is extremely tricky though since it’s highly dependent on the weather. For it to work it has to be sunny and fairly warm. I estimate a night time temperature at around 18 degrees celsius, no wind either. Then of course, like as if it’s not difficult enough, you’d have to get a bunch of people there, preferably some that are not completely boring, just sitting around waiting for something to happen.
There should be a fair division of men and women, and at least a handful of singles in each group so there is at least hope of someone hooking up...or something. Problem is, pretty much all women I know are chicks I’ve hit on at one time or another. To get six or seven of those on the same beach could be a bit embarrassing.
I think that is pretty much the problem with our parties; we don’t know people. We hang out with the same group every single time we are out. Not that there is anything wrong with our friends but we *are* limiting ourselves somewhat in this regard. Therefore we pretty much have to rely on friends of friends to get people there, something that pretty much never secceeds.
I wonder if there is some sort of equation to figure out how many you’d have to invite to get around 20 people who actually show up. Considering that when we invited 25 and two people actualy showed up that would mean I’d have to invite...250 people. How the flying fuck is that going to happen?? Where do I find 250 people? And how do I get a 50-50 split between sexes...or at least close to that?
P.SOur porn-and-hotdog parties have been successful though...pretty much because they only involved a couple of guys sitting around watching porn and eating hot dogs. Since we didn’t expect anything else it became a highly successful event.