Gone Clubbing

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Messed up

A couple of months ago the regular club raised the age limit to 20. In the beginning I think they had a pretty liberal attitude and let quite a few 18year olds in anyway. However, I suspect that they now have changed that policy and started enforcing the age limit more...and they are paying the price for it; there are significantly less people there now.

The thing is, the key to success in the club market in vasa is...18year old chicks. Older than that and they start to be attached, have kids and stay at home doing nothing...correction: doing their boyfriends. If you get chicks to the club the guys will follow. No chicks-guys go elsewhere.
So now I don't know if I have to start going someplace else or what. I think I will give it a couple of more weeks and if things don't pick up I'll go to Marlin or something.

In other news, today is new years day, of the hindu calender. It's the year 2063 now.
Also, me and martin are planning on arranging our third porn and hot dog party soon. We only have to figure out how to watch the movies, 'cause martin doesn't have his computer in town.


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