Gone Clubbing

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Let me get "deep" for a while...not about oral sex

For the longest time…okay so it was two days last week…I thought that the world was going to hell in a hand basket. I could lie and say something about the state of affairs in the world, famine, crime and all that s**t. But I won’t.

The real reason is that a number of women who have come on to me the last month or two have had boyfriends. Some of them have gone pretty far too, but not all the way. In my defence I must say that I was unaware that they were attached. It was not until later I found out.

The thought that developed in my head was: “Holy f**k, don’t people have any morals anymore?”
I lapsed into a deep, dark depression that lasted for a good 20 minutes. I was miserable. I then had an orange and felt better about things.

You see, I realised that I cannot change other people. I cannot force them to think the way I do. The only one I have any power over is me. Maybe the world is still going to hell in a hand basket but I am doing my part in keeping it from doing so.

Then again, I might have no one to blame but myself considering I frequent a club infamously known as “the meat market”.


  • At 5:38 PM, Blogger Jacke said…

    That's why I don't have sex with loads of hot chicks.

    That and I ain't got no game.


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