Gone Clubbing

Friday, August 19, 2005

Fat strippers

A few weeks ago I was at a local club...again and witnessed the most disgusting thing I have ever seen, apart from the time I saw a fat chick bicykling and her arm fat wobbled. Anyway, this is in the same league.

So me and my good friend, who shall remain nameless but is in the cabbage industry ;), were on the dance floor. There are two platform-thingies near the dance floor where you usually see either
a) very drunk girls/guys dancing
b) sober/lightly intoxicated chicks who are looking for attention (attention whores)
c) people who actually know how to dance
d) hired dancers

This time, however, there were two chicks there. I guess they could fit into the 'b' category because they started taking their clothes off. They had on these short skirts made from plastic or something. They stripped until they were in their underwear.

Usually I am all for spontaneous stripping, except if it is guys doing it, but in this case I was simply disgusted. The two chicks were the two fattest chicks in the club. I'm talking "she is so fat her belt size is equator" or "after I had sex with her I rolled over...and was *still* on her" fat. They had bits that were jiggling that are NOT suppose to jiggle! That is NOT cool!

And what is up with fat chicks wearing tight clothes and those shirts that show their belly or something? That shit is just gross. If you are going to wear revealing clothes make sure you have something to reveal...other than fat that is.

So now you are probably thinking "man this dude is shallow!". Well, maybe I am. But that doesn' t make fat attractive.


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